Chapter Fourteen: By the Grace of God

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~Lauren's P.O.V~

Everything went black. My eyes closed on me, I struggled to keep them open. My tear stained cheeks felt dry and cold.

I couldn't believe it.

I was is complete shock.

Katy's embrace suffocated me. I pushed her away and ran into the bathroom. I heard her cry. A piece of my heart broke. It just hurt so bad. I stumbled while shutting the doors.

"Lauren?!" Lana yelled

I didn't reply. I didn't want to.

They had no razors in the hospital bathrooms. I wish they did. I need to release this pain, this torturous feeling. Why did she keep this from me for all these years.

After a while I heard a few knocks on the door.

"Katy's gone home, you two need to talk, but for now we'll leave it. Are you okay?" Lana spoke softly from the other side of the door.

I was far from okay.

I found out I wasn't so tough, lying on the bathroom floor.

Tears streamed down my tired face. I slowly stood up and looked at the blurred image that looked at me through the mirror.

My fists flew at the mirror and hit it with a large bang.

"Lauren!? Open up!" Hayden yelped worryingly.

I leaned against it with my fists and cried. I cried so much that many whimpers escaped my lips.

"Let me in! Lauren, please" Hayden said.

I heard his voice lower at the end of his sentence. He was crying.

"I'm so sorry, I hate seeing you like this." He said while he tried not to choke on his tears.

I forced myself to sit down, I rested my head on my arms, they stung. I had been scratching them, it was kind of a way of relieving the stress, the hurt and the heart felt pain.

"Ju-just leave" I cried.

"I'm not leaving you Lauren!" He shouted, it wasn't an angry shout, more of a desperate shout.

"Please" I whimpered.

"Lauren. Let me in? I-I can't bare to see you like this!" He replied.

~Hayden's P.O.V~

I stood at the door, waiting for a reply.

Lauren needed me. After all this, I don't blame her for being hurt. I hated it.

I hated seeing her in pain. She's broken. And what kills me is that I can't do anything about it, no matter what I say, I won't be able to make her feel better. I want to. I want to make her happy, I want to hear her laugh and see her beautiful smile. I love her, more than I should.

And more than she will ever know.

The door slowly creaked open, and stood in front of me was a tired, pale, tear stained looking Lauren.

She pressed her lips together and dug her face into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her small frail body and held her tightly. I didn't want to let go.

Her blonde hair fell down her back, it got tangled through my fingers.

I heard her sniffle as she tried to speak.

"I'm sorry, do-don't leave me" she whimpered as she cried into my shirt.

"I'll never leave you." I replied as I felt a tear escape down my cheek.

"I love you" I whispered.

She squeezed me a little more, with the last ounce of energy she had.

"I love you too" she whispered back.

After a few minutes of holding her, we both let go.

I looked into her eyes.

Her big blue eyes had a faded look while dark bags underneath them made them look grey. All I could see was sadness and confusion. It's weird how you can see so much in someone by looking into their eyes.

"We should get home" I said.

"Yeah, I need to sleep" she replied.

After getting her bags into the car, we drove off into the darkness. I didn't know how late it actually was.

The drive was silent. She had fallen asleep. Her small body lay with no movement besides small breaths she was taking.

She deserves better than this.

She deserves happiness.


I hope you all are enjoying this so far! Please tell me what you think!! Thanks for reading my lovelies! :) hope you have a nice day! Xxo


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