Chapter Thirty Seven: Her little cheeks flushed red.

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~Katy's P.O.V~

Lauren walked out of the bathroom in her pyjamas and a sent of mint followed her. I smiled to myself as I watched her look around.

"Can I have this room mom?" She squealed from the end of the hall.

The door of the room was open, I hadn't stepped foot in it for about 16 years. Tears welled up as I walked up to her.

I opened the door to see the front. It read 'Lauren' on a handmade sign. I heard a small gasp from her as she ran her finger along it.

"Thi-this was my room?" She asked, her voice sounded shaky and weak.

"Yeah, I painted it myself" I replied, I tried not to chock on my own tears.

She slowly walked in as I followed behind her.

The walls were painted a baby pink with kittens decorated along the bottom. The tiny cot was placed in the corner. A tear escaped down my cheek as I remembered when we bought her back from the hospital, how she just lay there, her little cheeks flushed red as we sat with her for hours on end. I had this house for such a long time, and I made this room hers. I couldn't face going in it. Sometimes on my bad days I would just sit and face the room and cry, for hours.

As I got lost in my thoughts I noticed Lauren looking at every little detail. She stopped at the cot and ran her fingers along the lacy material. She lent in and picked up a small teddy.

"I think I'll need a bigger bed" She laughed as she turned around to face me, her eyes red and her cheeks wet with tears.

"Come here" I said as I put my arms out. She walked towards me and fell into a hug. I ran my fingers through her soft hair as she sobbed.

"It's okay, I'm here" I soothed. She still held the teddy tightly in her hand.

"Come on lets go to bed" I said as I turned her to face me. I wiped the hair out of her face and her tears off of her cheeks. Her lips trembled as she nodded.

She hopped into the other side of my double bed and snuggled up next to me.

I lay next to her with my arms around her pulling her close to me.

I started singing to her as she cried into my shoulder. I sung an old lullaby song that my mom used to sing to me. And then I started singing a song I had only just started thinking about in my head.

There is no fear now

Let go and just be free

I will love you unconditionally

Come just as you are to me

Don't need apologies

Know that you are worthy

I'll take your bad days with your good

Walk through the storm I would

I do it all because I love you

I love you.

I soon drifted off to sleep thinking about more lyrics to the song for my baby girl.

I woke up to the light that had entered through the blinds, Lauren was still fast asleep next to me. All through the night I kept tossing and turning.

I slowly got myself out of the covers and went to the kitchen. I checked my phone which was plugged into the wall, I had forgotten about it last night and left it on charge. 

I had a message from Johnny.

*Hey KayKay, you free today? need a coffee date with my gurl ☕ :* xoxo*

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