Chapter Twenty Three: Let's go.

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~katy's P.O.V~

 I'm so glad Shannon came over last night. My emotions drowned me in a pit of darkness and tears, and for a while, I didn't think I could escape.

Seeing Lauren the same way crushed me.

Seeing her cry, seeing that she didn't want to be alive, made me want to die. 

I had asked Shannon to go and ask Lauren to come here, I needed to ask her something and I prayed like mad she would agree.

"Hey Lauren" I smiled as I looked up at her. I noticed all the mascara on her face too. 

"Hey uh you wanted to see me?" She asked. She looked nervous, I knew she wasn't comfortable.

"Oh yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to spend the day together, just me and you? It's okay if you dont, I understand" I explained. 

She thought for a second before responding.

"Yeah, okay" She smiled.

My heart lept for joy when I heard those words coming out of her mouth. She wanted to spend time with me, just me and Lauren.

I could cry right now, but I wont,  I thought.

"I'm just going to go finish off the drinks and stuff" She said as Shannon walked in and she walked out. They both looked at each other, I couldn't quite tell what kind of look it was, so I just shrugged it off.

"You look happy" Shannon smiled as she took a seat next to me.

"She said yes" I smiled back. Tears filled my eyes as I forced them back.

"Ohmigod thats great! I'm so happy!" She yelped.

"Me too!" I laughed.

"After a while everythings going to get sorted, you know that aye Katy?" Shannon said as she had a serious but loving look on her face.

"I know I just feel like I've waited to long" I explained.

"You can't change the past, and you can't go back and keep saying how much you wished you'd changed what you did, or what happened. We all wish we could, trust me on that one" She laughed.

"But It's what's happening now that matters, you have her, and you two will build up your relationship but time will tell. Thats all, time will tell." She added.

"I'm blessed to have you as a friend" I cried.

"Same here. I'm always here for you Kate. I love you" She said, tears now filling both our eyes.

"I love you too" I replied as I hugged her tightly.

After a few minutes Hayden and Lauren walked in with four coffee's.

"Thank sweetie" I said to Lauren as she handed me mine.

"You're welcome" She smiled.

"So what are you two up to today?" I asked Shannon and Hayden.

"Work" They both replied in unison.

We spent the next few minutes just laughing at it.

After we finished our coffee's Shannon and Hayden were getting ready to leave.

We stood by the door and spoke for a few more mintues.

"Bye hun" Shannon said as she gave me a hug.

"I'll see you sometime this week, text me" She added.

"Seeya! Will do" I laughed.

~Lauren's P.O.V~

Hayden engulfed me in a hug that I wish never had to end. His sent made me smile. It's funny how different people always have a different sent, same with houses. But you can never smell your own. 

"Say hi to Lana for me! And give her a big hug" I smiled.

I missed Lana. Although I only saw her yesterday, it still feels as if I hadn't seen her much. I'd been so caught up in everything that I felt like I wasn't appreciating her as much as I should. But I know Lana means the world to me. All these years she's always been there for me, she's more than just a friend, she's like a mother to me.

"Sure will, and text or call me whenever okay?" Hayden answered.

"Thanks, and yeah will do" I smiled. We hugged once more then parted. 

"Seeya later Katy" Hayden said as he faced Katy who was watching us. I wasn't to sure if she'd realized anything yet. 

"seeya" Katy waved as he walked out of the door and then hopped into his car.

"So, have you got any plans for today kiddo?" Katy asked.

"Uhm well we could go have lunch somewhere?" I replied.

"Ah yeah. I've got it. Go get ready and then we'll leave" Katy smiled.

She looked so happy. Her voice just bounced around as she spoke, it made the atmosphere so comfortable and happy. Something that I hadn't really felt in a long time.

I went into the lounge and got out my small amount of makeup I bought with me in my bag. I noticed that the box was gone. Katy must of put it away this morning.

The thought of the black inked letters that I saw in what was obviously my birth certificate, floated around in my thoughts. It kept repeating in my head. 

Lauren Hudson.

"Lauren Hudson" I whispered to myself. 

Katy was in her bathroom upstairs so I went in the one closest to the lounge. It was huge. A massive mirror was planted on the wall, it was basically the wall. A shower was placed in the corner, it was big too, just like everything else. It was well decorated too, crystal balls and figurines made it girly and pretty. I loved it. 

After about half an hour we were both ready, well almost. I had to wait another five or ten minutes for Katy.

"Are you hungry?" Katy asked she put some stuff in her handbag.

"Yeah, a bit" I answered.

"Good, you better like waffles!" She laughed.

"Good thing I do, lets go!" I laughed back.

"Are we going to the one on Mitchell Road?" I asked as we hopped into her large black range rover.

"Yep, thats the best one" She answered.

"Mom and dad are going to meet us there. Is that okay?" She asked nervously.

"Uh yeah" I lied.

As soon as she said that her parents were coming made me feel sick to my stomach.

I couldn't remember if I'd met them before, If I did, it was when I was in hospital. 

I dont know why I'm panicking, they're family right?

I shoudn't be so nervous. 


Thankyou for reading!! Comment what you think! And if you have friends who have wattpad you should get them to read this!! ;) Have a lovely day kittens!! Mawh :* Xxxoo


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