Chapter Forty One: Safe and Sound.

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~Katy's P.O.V~

I couldn't get to sleep for hours.

Thoughts of him running through my mind, memories of us together, being happy.

I just knew the pain he had left and how I said I would never forgive him, and to this day, 16 years later I want to go out there and hit him, hit him as hard as I could, hit him so he could feel a slight part of my pain. But it still wouldn't make up for him leaving. Nothing could and I just wished he would've stayed out of my life, and out of Lauren's life. 

It was about 5am before my teary eyes had finally decided to close and my thoughts drifted away and let me sleep.


I sat on the bed and watched the autumn leaves fall outside the window and gently covered the small park below. The tree's surrounding the area were now a gold and red color which made the place beautiful. It was the only decent park here in LA. I missed the ones back home were mom used to take us kids when we were young. 

"Morning beautiful" Josh said as he sat down on the double bed that was nearly the size of the room. His arms wrapped around my waist from behind. 

"Morning" I smiled and looked over at him.

His face was sad, I couldn't tell but something was missing. He quickly looked down as he removed his arms from my waist, but he soon looked up and filled his face with a smile, a smile that I hadn't seen before, a sort of fake smile. 

"I have to go out for a bit soon" He said.

"Oh okay, what time will you be back?" I asked as I turned my body to face him.

"Not sure yet" He answered simply. But I soon noticed his face turn pale and his voice soften. But before I could say anything my stomach churned and I flew up and ran to the toilet before I spewed everywhere.

"Are you okay Kate?" He said as he rubbed my back. The feeling of him with me just made me feel better, he made me calm and I've never felt like this before with anyone.

"Yeah I must of ate something funny, or drunk to much" I lied. I had a feeling it wasn't to do with what I ate, or how much I drank. The past few days I had been feeling like this. 

Not long after I had got myself cleaned up Josh had gotten ready to go out. 

"Bye honey" I said as he embraced my small frame in his large one. He engulfed me in a hug that felt like it lasted forever, I soon noticed I had just zoned out on hearing the rain start to fall outside and his heartbeat. 

"Goodbye beautiful" He said softly before grabbing my face and kissing me. My heart dropped a little as the kiss ended quickly, and soon enough he was out the door, glancing back at me with another look that made me worry. 

When I saw his car drive off I quickly jumped over to my side of the bed and pulled a paper bag out of the draw. I went to the pharmacy yesterday and decided to get a pregnancy test just to make sure, and I started getting the symptoms about over a week ago now.

Before I did it, I decided to call Shannon and tell her, we spent about an hour talking, mostly about what I was going to do if I was pregnant. I couldn't carry on attempting to get the attention of record labels and I especially couldn't afford it either. 

After our call ended I had finally picked up the courage to do it. 

I paced back and fourth around the tiny apartment while I waited. It felt like hours before it was ready, when it was probably only less than a few minutes. 

My vision blurred as I focused on the plus sign the indicated positive. I was pregnant. My whole heart felt like it fell to the ground. I couldn't have a baby, I had only just moved out into LA with Josh and a baby can't have a baby, I thought. 

Hours passed, all I could do was cry. I hadn't spoken to anyone and I knew that Shannon had been calling constantly and getting no reply. 

Soon enough she had burst through the door and spotted me curled up on the floor.

"Katy!" She cried.

"It's going to be okay" She soothed.

More hours passed as we sat together on the floor, Shannon helped me think of reasonable outcomes and I knew she was going to be there for me, no matter what.

"Have you told Josh?" She asked as we stood up.

"No, I thought he woud've been back by now" I replied as I noticed the sky had darkened and the street lights reflected though the windows. 

I decided to call and ask when he'd be here, but each time I did, I couldn't get through. Both Shannon and I tried all through out the night. I instantly thought the worst until I came across a letter placed on top of the fridge later the next day.

~End of flashback~

I woke up to tears falling as I remembered the exact words on the letter he left. 

My pillow was soaked and my blankets had been tossed everywhere, I had been tossing and turning all night. 

I sat up slightly and noticed the black stains now all over my pillow and no doubtingly on my face. 

I went to my bathroom and washed it all off, I also had to control my tears. I coudn't stand to cry anymore, my eyes were to tired and stung.

"Mom?" A small voice whispered from my room.

"Lauren?" I replied.

Suddenly Lauren's arms were wrapped around me as she held me tightly. Her small body made me realize how young she really still is. 

"I love you" She said, I could tell in her voice that she was crying.

"I love you too baby" I replied, trying to keep the tears away.

"Why is he here? It just doesn't feel right" She asked as we went over and sat on the bed.

"I don''t know, and I know, I wish he wasn't here." I answered.

"I know that he hurt you, and I hate him for that" She said, her voice soft and weak. 

"He did." I said simply.

I pulled her into me and we both lay down on the bed and slowly fell asleep in each others arms. This where I wish she could stay forever, with me. Safe and sound. 


Sorry for the wait! Hope you enjoy! :* Comment your thoughts! Would love to hear some feedback! Mwah! Xxxx



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