Chapter Twenty Five: This Moment.

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~Lauren's P.O.V~

Katy went home at about midnight. I could tell she enjoyed herself, she laughed and smiled all night. Coming to think about it, I had a good night too. We put on some movies at about 11 and watched them until about 3 in the morning. 

Hayden and I had fallen asleep on the couch again and Lana had gone to bed at about 1, when the first movie finished.

We both woke up at 11 in the morning and made coffee. Lana had gone to work at that time too.

"Pancakes?" Hayden asked.

"Sure" I smiled.

I opened up his laptop and went on Facebook. Ruby had posted more pictures of her holiday, I couldn't wait to see her in less than a week.

As I scrolled down my news feed Hayden put a plate down in front of me with a big pile of pancakes, they were covered in maple syrup, chocolate hail, rainbow sprinkles and topped with whipped cream.

"Holy shit" I laughed.

"Whaat?" He chuckled.

"I cant eat all that!" I yelped.

"Ah ha, well that's why I'm here to help!" He laughed as he picked up a knife and a fork. I pushed the computer to the side and did the same.

"Wow these a great!" I managed to say with a mouthful of pancakes and cream.

Hayden laughed and got his fork, which had cream on it and tapped it on my nose.

I tried to lick it off, which didn't work. Hayden laughed and then leaned over and kissed my nose which got all the cream off.

I got up out of the stool and pecked his lips before grabbing the whipped cream out of the fridge.

"Ready?" I laughed as he opened his mouth.

I sprayed whipped cream in his mouth and mine, it went everywhere. We both laughed.

Hayden got up and smudged cream over my cheeks.

"You ass!" I yelped and laughed. 

Before I could wipe the cream off, Hayden pulled me into him and wrapped his arms around my waist, I put my arms around his neck.

He looked into my eyes and I did the same to him. His features were just so perfect. They way his jaw line made him look mature, and hot. He was just perfect, I couldn't describe him other than him beng perfect.

"You're beautiful" He said softly. I smiled and blushed at him. 

Soon enough his soft warm lips were on mine, they trailed a warm tingeling feeling on my cheeks as he kissed me more. 

It was the best feeling ever. 

"I love you Loz" He smiled. My eyes welled up with tears, happy tears.

"I love you too" I chuckled and blinked them back before he saw.

My phone made a loud buzzing noise on the bench and pulled us both out of our daydreamy moment.

I went and picked it up and read the message aloud.

"Oh it's Katy" I said. "She wants to know if we want to go over for dinner tonight? Shannon, Mary, Keith and Angela are going to be there." I added.

"That sounds like a good idea" Hayden smiled.

"Angela's her sister right?" He asked 

"Oh uh yeah I haven't met her" I said worringly. Hayden noticed the look on my face.

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