Chapter Thirty Eight: Love, beauty and passion.

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~Lauren's P.O.V~ 

I looked over at Hayden and smiled, our fingers in twined together as he drove. The midday sun shone through the open car windows, the breeze making my hair fly. 
He turned his gaze to me as we stopped at a red light. His hair fell perfectly into place.
"I have a surprise" He smirked.
"Oooo I'm excited" I smiled. He lent over to kiss me, his touch making me feel perfect.

We soon parked near the fountain, there were many people around sitting and relaxing around the area, and on the beach. 
"Why here?" I asked as we hopped out.
"I have the best memories of us" He smirked.
I looked at him confusingly before realizing what he was actually talking about. 
"Ohmigod" I laughed. He chuckled as he walked to the boot of the car and opened it. He pulled out a basket and some blankets.
"Where shall we sit?" He asked.
"The beach" I smiled.
He closed the boot and walked over to my side, grabbing my hand in his. I smiled to myself as we walked past the fountain and down onto the hot white sand of California's coast.

"Here?" I pointed at a spot that was free from other people. 
"Yeah" He smiled. He passed me the basket as he placed the blanket down along the sand, little shrubs were growing just behind where we had decided to sit, making it look cute. 
"Why is this so heavy?" I asked as I put it down on the corner of the blanket.
"I may have over done it with the food" He laughed.
"Well that's always a good thing, I'm hungry as hell" I replied. 
"Good" He smiled.

The heat from the sand seeped its way through the blanket making it nice and comfortable to sit on. 
Hayden opened the basket and got all the food out on different platters. 
We sat for about an hour stuffing out faces with chicken, biscuits, chips and chocolate.

"I swear I haven't eaten that much in such a long time!" I said as we lay down.
"Me too, wait no I eat a lot" He laughed.
"Uh ha" I replied.
The sky had started dimming as we lay watching the it turn to a slight shade of pink. 
"It's so beautiful" I said quietly. Hayden's fingers caressing mine.
"It is" He replied.
We both turned to each other and smiled.
His smile melted my heart a little more each time he looked at me. 

His eyes glistened as he lent into me and kissed me. Sending shivers done my spine and making my heart spin in excitement. 
"I always remember wanting to do that" He said as we parted.
"And it always used to make me sad when I couldn't." He added.
"You've always felt this way towards me?" I asked.
"Yeah, I just, I don't know, there's something about you that makes everyone fall in love" He said, his voice sounding meaningful.
I looked at his features on his face, his cheekbones that shaped his face handsomely, his green eyes and smiled. I didn't know what to say.
"Because I know I did" He smiled before locking his lips on mine again. This kiss was different, it was full of love, full of beauty and full of passion.

I felt as if it would last forever. But my dream soon ended as we needed to breathe.
I moved my body closer to him and snuggled into his side, his arms wrapped around me as we lay together looking up at the sky.

The slight pink shade had turned into a purple one and dark clouds started drifting in as we started to feel a cold breeze.
"Shall we head off now?" Hayden asked as he noticed me shiver.
"Okay" I smiled.
We packed away the plates and left over food and closed up the basket, then Hayden shook the sand out of the blanket and folded it up neatly. 

We walked back to the car hand in hand and passed the fountain, the lights around it had been turned on, even though it was only about 5. I always loved coming here a night and looking at it, they made the water glow beautifully and it looked completely magical.

"Do you want to stop off on the way home and get a coffee?" Hayden asked as we got into the warm car.
"Yeah, that would be good" I replied.
"Cool" He smiled. Soon we headed off, with the sun still half up in the sky as we drove off. 

Sorry guys this is a small chapter, but I hope you enjoy! And I hope you don't mind waiting for the excitement!!!! Eeeek! Even I'm excited! 
Anyway hope ya'll have a lovely day. Mwah :* Xxxxxx

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