Chapter Fifty Four: The Message.

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~Lauren's P.O.V~

Katy's eyes pierced through me filling me with sadness, but a glimpse of love and hope, with everything we had. Her blue freckled eyes were glassy from the tears that were falling down her cheeks like a river of gold.
I felt for her, felt that what I did and what I said really hurt her. I love her; I love her like I never lost her, like I never had to live without knowing the truth, like I was never lost, like we both were never lost. 

Her hand sent my skin tingling as she gently brushed it across my face, pushing my hair out of my face. It was dirty and I still felt sick from last night. 
"My girl Lauren" She said softly as her eyes glistened in the light the shone in from the large window.
"What I said yesterday, I didn't mean it. I-" She said before she was cut off from her own sobs.
"Mom" I said as I pulled her small body into me. Her chest was heavily being jerked back and forth as her sobs grew louder.
"Mom I know you didn't mean it" I said as my voice broke from my own tears. 
"I took it in the wrong way, I'm so sorry" I sobbed as I hugged her tighter. 

A few minutes of being embraced in her comforting arms we were interrupted by a knock on the door. We both wiped the tears from our faces as we heard Josh greet the person.
"Hey Tam" He said simply.
"Hey Josh, Katy's here right?" She asked, her voice stern.
"Yeah, in the living room" He said as he motioned her towards us. I looked over at Katy and noticed the look on her face had changed, she seemed afraid. Maybe she was afraid of what was going to happen now.

"Tamra" She greeted with a small smile.
"Hey Katy" She replied, her face looking stressed. 
"Lauren" She nodded with a small smile. 
"Hey" I replied.
"Sorry for getting so mad on the phone before, there's just so much happening and so many things being said right now that I can't keep up with all the stories." She explained. 
"I need you to tell the world as soon as you can Kate, things are going to get out of control otherwise" She added. 
"I know, but I really don't know what to say" Katy replied, her face turning pale as the frightening moment of revealing her biggest secret to the world finally had to happen, but not the way in which she wished for.

We all sat in the living room and watched on as Katy held her iPhone in her small trembling hands. I sat next to Katy, comforting her as much as I could, as did Josh. Hayden's presence helped my nerves as he sat with his arm wrapped around my waist. Just having him there really helped, he had been so good to me through this. 

Katy's thumb slowly moved across the keypads as she typed. 
My dearest KatyCats. It has been bought up about someone important in my life. I have a daughter. Please understand that I wish you all to leave us in privacy as we go through this. Thankyou.

I took a large breath in as she hit send. 
It was out.
The world will now know that the world famous singer has a daughter. Me. 

"I'll keep in touch okay?" Tamra said to Katy as she got up.
"Okay, thank you" She replied.
"It'll be okay" She said as she wrapped her arms around Katy.
"I hope so" She replied softly. 
"Bye guys" Tamra smiled.
"See ya" We all replied at the same time.

I still sat on the couch as Katy and Josh walked away.
"Are you okay?" Hayden asked worryingly.
"Yeah, I just feel a bit sick, why?" I replied.
"You just look pale" He said as he held my hand in his.
"Hungover, remember?" I laughed.
"Oh right" He chuckled, remember what happened last night. The good and the bad. He looked at me with a smirk.
I hit him playfully as I laughed.
"I love you" He said, his face turning serious.
"I love you too" I smiled softly at him. 
I giggled as I felt his soft lips on mine, pressing against me and making my heart jump. As I smiled, he gently gripped my bottom lip with his teeth. My hand brushed against his face as I pulled him in closer, wanting more of him. 
Our foreheads rested against each others as we both smiled insanely. 
I didn't think I could ever be in love this much. He moved his head and placed a small kiss on my cheek, sending tingles down my spine.
I felt his body lean back so I followed, resting myself on him. With his arms around me and hearing his heartbeat my eyes began to feel heavy. 

I thought about the message Katy sent out. I really hoped everything would be okay. It's time Katy stopped being hurt, she deserved a break, she deserved the love she gave out. I wish that after this things will eventually settle down and mom, dad and I can live normally; as a family. 

Please God, let this pass easily I thought to myself before the world drifted into darkness. 

Hey guys. Ugh I'm so sorry about the long wait! 
Hope you all have had a Merry Perry Christmas! And by the way, a couple days ago guess who I saw!? KATY PERRY! 
The Prismatic World Tour was fucking amazing! Im so greatful I got to experience it. And my goodness Katy is so small!!! 
Anyway, enjoy this chapter! More soon my lovelies! Mwah! :*
~Samantha xox

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