Chapter Nine: Time.

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Laurens P.O.V

I felt a cold shudder snake through my skin. My mind started questioning everything, while I lay with my eyes closed tightly. 

The sound of movements filled my ears, I hadn't heard anything in days. It was all so loud. I wanted to be at home, in a warm bed. Not this hard thing I was on now.

My eyes flickered.

To tell you the truth I was hoping I didn't have to wake up. I wish I could sleep forever. I wanted to drown out the world, I wanted to leave. 

The lights in the ceiling were the first things I saw. Then a sharp but constant feeling came back, I couldn't feel it while I was asleep. My stomach hurt. And it caused me to flinch.

The doctor noticed me move and walked over.

"Lauren" He smiled. "I'm Doctor Connor, How are you feeling? He added.

"Uh I-I" I stumbled. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I wanted to sleep.

"I'm sore" I finally got out as my stomach stung.

"You will be. You had 2 opperations. And you have a severly bruised stomach" He said

"Opperation?" I asked.

"You had internal bleeding. And it got worse, we had to do another one."  He said. His voice went quiet, it looked like he was upset. 

I looked around the room, thinking about everything he'd just told me. 

"Uh where's Lana and Hayden?" I asked as I wondered if they'd been here. I was hoping they could take me home, away from here. I hate hospitals. The smell, the people, it just creeps me out. 

"They've gone out for lunch, I'm sure they'll be back soon. You should get some rest" He answered as he noticed I was thinking to much. 

But he had a look on his face. A look that made me curious. Like he knew something, or he was hiding something. Maybe I was just being paranoid.

I layed down in the bed I was in. The gown I was in was too big for me. The sleeves were long, just not long enough to cover my wrists. But I'd been sleeping. I doubt noone would've seen anything. I hoped. 

I ran my fingers along the bumbs. I did this naturally. It was a habbit of mine. 

Just as I was about to close my eyes, I saw shadows of people through the windows. I recognized one. It was Hayden and standing next to him was Lana. They were talking to three other people. I couldn't see them well, just their shadows. And they didn't look familiar. 

The doctor then walked out in a slight rush. Why was he in a rush? I thought.

I looked at them all talking. Then I saw the three unrecognizable shadows start talking with eachother. They stayed out the room while Hayden and Lana walked in with huge smiles planted on there faces. 

"Lauren!" Hayden yelped as he gave me a hug. I flinched a little, he noticed and pulled away.

"Sorry" He said.

"It's okay" I smiled

"How are you?" Lana said. I noticed that they both had tears in there eyes. And they looked tired. 

"I'm fine, just sore." I replied. "What about you guys?" I asked.

"We're fine love! Ugh we were so worried?" Lana blurted out as tears started rolling downn her cheeks.

"We were." Hayden said as he looked at me. He was near to crying, but he held it in. 

"Ohmigod! I'm fine! Dont cry!" I said as my eyes welled up. I hated seeing people I care about crying. It always made me cry.

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