Chapter Twenty Seven: You're Not Sorry.

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~Lauren's P.O.V~

My phoned buzzed loudly on the bedside cabinet on my side. Katy was beside me, she had a rough sleep and kept tossing and turning around all night.

*Morning beautiful. Hope you and Katy are okay. Xxx*

I smiled as I read Hayden's text over again. 

*Morning! Yeah, Katy's still asleep. Will see you later on today :) xxx*

I replied.

A yawn escaped my mouth as I looked over to Katy who was on her side facing the other way. Her small but shapely body rose slightly then fell each time she took a breath.

I wondered what had cause her to be so hurt. 

She didn't deserve this. Not Katy. Not my mom.

Maybe I had come to the idea of her being my mother. I know she loved me. She always has. 

A few minutes had passed as all these thoughts raced around in my mind. I looked around the large room. It was painted a greyish color with a large TV on the opposite side to the bed. Off to the side was a large on-suit bathroom. It looked fancy.

I got pulled out of my daydream when I noticed Katy stretch. I looked over and watched her attempt to wake up.

"M-morning" Katy yawned.

"Morning" I laughed.

She smiled and rubbed her eyes.

She was always so pretty, even when doing stupid faces in photo's and even without makeup, or in this case, with smudged makeup.

Her face went pale and her smile faded as she remembered.

"Do you want a coffee?" I asked as I noticed she zoned out for a bit.

"Ah yes please" She answered with a small smile. Her thoughts were somewhere else. 

~Katy's P.O.V~

Lauren walked out of the room to go make coffee's. I pulled myself up so I was leaning my back against the pillows and head board. 

I tried my hardest not to think of what happened and what he said, but how could someone be so heartless?

A few minutes later Angela walked in the room and shut the door behind her.

"Hey hun, how are you doing?" She asked with a small smile.

"Uhm" I answered.

"Stupid question, I'm sorry" She said disappointingly at herself.

"Its fine" I laughed.

"So what happened, you can talk to me you know" She said.

I simply picked up my phone and showed her the messages.

With a tear in my eye, i quickly blinked it away.

Angela's face went pale, her eyes went glassy and her hand rested on her chest.

"Oh my god" She stumbled as she choked on her own tears.

She handed me my phone back with shaken hands. 

"I'm so, so sorry! I don't even know what to say!" She said as she wiped her tears.

I tried my hardest not to cry. I'm sick of it. Sick of having my eyes sting for hours on end.

"I-i don't know what to do" I said, and then it came. The sudden burst of tears. The sudden wetness down my checks and then the sudden stinging in my eyes.

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