Chapter Fifty Five: Sick to my Stomach.

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~Katy's P.O.V~

"It'll be okay right?" I asked, my voice trembling. 
"Of course, everything will be okay. We just need to wait it out a few days and ignore the rumors." Josh exclaimed. Calming me down almost instantly.
"Yeah, I guess." I replied as I wrapped my arms around his waist.
"It had to come out at some point" He said as he kissed the top of my head.
"I know" I said softly.

We stood on the balcony from our room for a couple of minutes. Just taking in the view, the sun and each other. 
The sun had started to set back into the darkness, ready to light up the other side of the world. 
"Come on, lets go lie down" Josh said as we walked inside. 
I didn't realize how tired I was until my body lay down with Josh, on the soft bed. 
"It'll all be okay" Josh soothed as my my body fell into a heavy slumber. 

I woke up abruptly to my phone ringing loudly. They can wait I thought to myself but after their third call I decided it must of been important.
"Hello?" I grumbled.
"Katy! I heard what happened! How are you? Hows Lauren?" The voice rushed in a mumble, it took me a couple of seconds to recognize the voice.
"Shannon! Ohmygod I haven't heard from you in ages! Oh yeah the dramas, but we're okay" I replied.
"Oh good, it's everywhere, people can't get enough of the commotion." She explained. 
"Yeah I bet, I haven't been bothered to watch the news or go on twitter" I laughed. 
"Yeah I don't think you'd want to" She laughed along with me. "But I saw your tweet, it was understandable" She added.
"Yeah, I just hope it'll all blow over" I said, knowing it wouldn't. At least as quick as I want it to.
"Oh and your mom and dad send their love" Shannon said. 
"Oh okay" I smiled. "Where are they now?" I asked.
"I caught up with them in Ohio when I was filming, they want to catch up with you guys when they get back" She said.
"Ah good, haven't seen them in a while" I replied.
"Anyway, I'll catch up with ya soon Kate. Give my love to Lauren! Love you babe" She said happily, making me smile. She was always so bubbly and it always bought my mood up when I was down. She had to be one of the greatest friends I had.
"Okay, thanks for the call. Love ya" I replied before ending the call. 

I looked beside me at Josh who was struggling to wake up.
"Who was that?" He asked as he yawned.
"Shan" I answered. 
"Oh cool, come here" He smiled as he pulled me back down to lie with him.
My head rested on his shoulder, where I felt safe. Knowing that I have him right there with me. 

The next couple of days went by quickly. We didn't go out, we didn't cause more commotion with the media. I was preying they'd forgot, that it wouldn't be such a big deal for them. But I know that wouldn't be the case, at least not yet. 

I got a call from Bradford and Tam. With quite exciting news actually, apparently David Letterman want me and Lauren on his show, and Tamra thinks it a good opportunity to come clean to the world. I thought so too. 

~Lauren's P.O.V~

I sat with Lana as Hayden was finishing off some lunch. I had spent a couple of days with them as I wanted to give Katy some time with Josh, and also to sort things out without me annoying her. 
It was good being here, it felt like the old days before everything happened all at once. I hadn't spent time with Lana in weeks so we decided to have a day to ourselves, which included shopping and buying takeout and watching movies, Hayden joined in on that though. 
It was hard at times, being in public as I had forgotten the dramas unfolding around the world. Some people recognized me, some didn't.

"Here ya go" Hayden smiled as he passed us a plate with a chicken and salad filled roll on it.
"Thankyou, it looks lovely" I smiled.
"Yeah, your getting good at making food" Lana laughed. 
We all ate and talked together, Lana spoke to Hayden about his work and how everything was going. As I ate and listened, I felt as my stomach churned and flipped, soon enough I jumped up and ran to the bathroom and spewed for what felt like forever.
I felt a hand rubbing my back as I hurled up the last of what my stomach contained.
"You okay?" Lana asked as she popped her head through the doorway.
"Uh I guess so" I smiled as I wiped my face and stood.
"I'll get you a glass of water" She said before walking away.
"Come on, go lie down" Hayden said softly. My hands shook vigorously, and I felt sweat forming on my forehead.
I sat in the soft bed next to Hayden, just as Lana came in with a glass of water.
"Thanks" I smiled.
"You must of eaten something bad" She said.
"Yeah I must of, might of been something from the mall" I answered. 
"Ah yeah" She said.

As I sipped the cool water my phone started ringing in my pocket. I weakly got it out and answered it as my hands still shook.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey Loz, how are you?" Katy's voice said. It made me smile hearing her, to be honest what I wanted right now was to be in her arms. 
"Uhm I'm fine" I lied.
"Are you sure? Whats wrong?" She said worryingly, she knew me too well. 
"I'm just a bit sick, but I'll be fine" I smiled. 
"Oh baby, why don't you come home? I'll make you hot coco and you can lie on the couch and we can watch movies" She asked happily.
"That sounds really good mom" I smiled.
"Good! Do you want me to come pick you up?" She asked.
"Okay" I replied.
"Cool, see you in a bit. Love you" She said.
"Okay, love you to mom" I said as I ended the call. 

 "You feeling better?" Hayden asked as he walked back into the room.
"yeah I am" I smiled. "Moms picking me up soon, I'm just going to go home and rest" I added. 
"That's a good idea" He smiled.
Soon enough Katy was at the door, figuring this out by hearing her and Lana talk and boy did they talk forever. Me and Hayden chuckled to ourselves as we listened. They sounded happy. 
"Lauren baby, are you okay? You look so pale!" She exclaimed as we walked into the lounge.
"I'm fine mom" I laughed.
"Anyway, we'll see you guys soon" Katy smiled as she gave Lana a hug and then Hayden.
"Bye Katy, nice seeing you" Lana and Hayden said.
"You too!" Katy replied.
I engulfed Hayden in my arms as I said goodbye, it was still sad having to say goodbye; I just wanted to stay with him forever. But I let go, knowing I'd see him in the next few days. 
Feeling his lips against mine made me smile instantly.
"I love you" He said, his smile making me blush.
"I love you too" I replied as I hugged him one more time.
"Seeya Lana, thanks for these couple of days" I said as I hugged her goodbye.
"Anytime my beautiful girl" She replied, making me smile.

Katy's car was cool, as she left the air con on. Which I was insanely grateful for as soon as I felt the heat of the day.
After about twenty minutes wee were finally home. I could finally just lie down. 
"Here's a hot coco, tell me if you need anything else" She smiled warmly.
"Thanks mom, I should be fine" I smiled back.
We sat together and watched movies until our eyes got heavy. Soon enough we both fell asleep together. I had some sort of comforting sense as I had my mom right beside me. I could sleep happily. 

Hope ya'll enjoy!!! Will be updating after New Years, so Happy New Year guys! May 2015 bring you nothing but happiness and more Katy Perry! :) 
Please vote and comment your thoughts about whats happening! I'd love to know what ya'll think! Mwah :*
~Samantha xox

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