Chapter Forty Nine: The Broken Road.

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~Josh's P.O.V~

"She's coming home tomorrow" I smiled at Lauren in the passenger seat beside me. I had gone to go pick her up to see Katy, we dropped Hayden off with Lana before.
A huge smile appeared n her face, it warmed me up inside, it really did. I couldn't believe I was looking at her, my daughter, Lauren.
She looked identical to Katy, although gladly I could see some of me in her. 
"Are you two okay?" She asked, her voice sounding careful. I looked out of the window and smiled to myself before looking back at her and smiling.
"Yeah, yeah we are" I said.
"What's with the grin?" She laughed.
"Just fate, I guess" I smiled.
"Fate?" She asked.
"Yeah, I mean I have you, and I have your mom. I love you both so dearly and its all worked out in a way" I explained.
"You love her? Like love love?" Lauren asked, her face gleamed with an unknowing, a type of innocence. 
"I love love your mom" I smiled, tears welling up in my eyes, and hers.
"Well are you staying? You not going to leave us now are you?" She asked, fear escaping her sad eyes.
"I am staying, and I wouldn't ever make that mistake again. After what I lost, after what I never knew" I said.
"Good" She answered simply.
"Good" I smiled.

Soon we arrived in the car park of the hospital. 
"She's looking forward to seeing you" I said as I looked over to the other side of the car where Lauren was standing.
"I can't wait until every things back to normal again" She said.
"It will be, soon" I replied, a small smirk appearing on my face knowing that our whole world will change, for the better. 
We walked into the main room, the smell of hospital hit us straight away, I don't even have to describe the smell, everyone knows the discomforting smell of this place. 

The white walls surrounded us as we walked down the corridor to Katy's room, I guess we were used to it, the suffocation of white, the long strides.

"Lauren!" Katy smiled, holding her arms out as Lauren embraced herself in them.
"I missed you mom" Lauren said softly.
"I missed you too honey" Katy replied, her voice sounding raspy as tears welled from her eyes. I stood watching them, my two beautiful girls, tears welled in my eyes as I blinked them back. 

We all sat for hours, talking, laughing and crying. I felt like my heart had finally found its place, I've found the people I needed, after years of searching, God has mended the broken road and led me straight to them. Straight to perfection. Straight to my family I'd always wanted.

"Do you want me to go down to the cafe and get us a bite to eat and a drink or something? I don't know about you two but I'm starved" I laughed.
"Yeah me too" Katy and Lauren said in sync.
I felt the love in my heart as they both laughed, there voices enlightening me, giving me hope, and happiness. 
"I'll surprise you" I said.
"Okay" Katy answered.
"Iced chocolate and then surprise me with the food" Lauren smiled cheekily.
"Sure thing kiddo" I smiled.

~Katy's P.O.V~

I watched his smile, his sincere smile. I hadn't seen him smile like that for years.
"He told me he loves loves you" Lauren said, her voice soft and delicate.
"He did?" I asked, with hope in my heart.
"Yeah, I think he was telling the truth too" She replied, a little smile forming on her face.
"Do you love love him too?" She added.
"I do, I really do" I smiled back at her, as I stroked her hair, it was the same color as mine was at that age, but it was longer.
"Good" She said.
"Good?" I asked in confusion as a small smirk appeared on her face.
"It's good, it means I have both of you." She said.
"You always will" I replied. 
"I'm so happy you're coming home" She said with a smile.
"Me too, I've been dying in here!" I joked.
Lauren's face went pale, silent, and filled with fear.
"What's wrong?" I said as I ran my fingers through her hair.
"We were so close to losing you, and I don't know what I would've done if I lost you again" She exclaimed, her voice choking on tears.
"Come here" I said as I held her in my arms.
"You didn't lose me, and you won't. I'll always be here and I know you're a strong girl! You can get through anything, like me! Mother like daughter remember!" I laughed through the tears that fell freely down my cheeks and onto her soft hair. 
"I love you so much" She sniffled.
"I love you too Loz, more that the world itself, more than anything! I love you" I said. 
The door slowly opened as Josh walked in with his hands full of food and drinks.
"Bought the whole store did you?" I laughed.
"Go help your dad with that" I said to Lauren as she wiped her cheeks.
"Okay" She smiled, realizing that I had referred Josh to 'dad' to her for the first time. My heart fluttered in joy, the way she smiled gave me a sense of hope.
"There's yours" Josh said as he handed her a bag and the drink.
"And go give that to mom" He smiled, handing her a bag and a coffee.
"Thanks" She smiled and headed over to my bed side table after putting her own down.

They both pulled up a chair and sat next to me as we ate. The cafe food was so much better than the hospital food was that I'd been eating the past weeks.
"Did you tell Lauren? Josh asked as he took a bite out of his pie.
"Uh no not yet" I replied.
"Tell me what?" Lauren said, glancing from Josh to me.
"Well Josh and I were thinking of moving, a new house a new start" I explained.
"Moving? Where?" She asked as she sipped on her drink.
"Mom and dad came to visit me yesterday before they had to head off again, but they told me about a house that's on the market in Santa Barbara" I said.
"Santa Barbara? But wouldn't that be difficult to do your work and stuff?" Lauren asked.
"Well my next album is coming out soon, I just need to catch up on a few things but other than that I think I'll take more time off, and when I start the tour, you'll both be able to come with me" I said.
"Oh my god, really?" She asked in shock.
"Yeah, I wouldn't leave you" I replied with a smile.
"It all sounds perfect" She smiled.
"I think so too" Josh added.
"Good, we're driving down to see the house on Wednesday" I said.
"But what about Hayden? Its like an 8 hour drive to go see him?" Lauren said, her face turning sad and her voice filled with panic.
"I'm sure we'll sort something out were he can stay and you can go over for a while" I smiled, hoping she would be okay with it.
"Okay" She said, her face calming. 

I know its going to be hard for her, and for us. I didn't really want to stay in L.A anymore, and Santa Barbara gives me hope. It's where I feel happiness. Where all my dreams were made. And I want Lauren to feel that. 

Sorry for no updates, got exams coming up but I'll try and do another one when I can. Hope you all are still enjoying! And please dont forget to comment what you think! Love ya'll! :* 

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