Chapter Eleven: A hummingbirds heartbeat.

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Katy's P.O.V

I had been sitting by her bed for a few hours. Just watching her weak body fall up and down as she took breaths. Lana and Hayden had gone home to get some rest.

She knew I was here. What did she think? What is she going to say? 

After a while thinking about everything I felt myself drift into asleep.

Muffled noises soon chook me out of my sleep.

"Uhm" I heard Lauren stumble.

"Uh hi" I said. It sounded awkward. I couldn't believe that she was awake. Lauren, my baby.

She looked around the room with a confused look on her face.

"Wh- Why are you, uh here?" She said softly not wanting to sound rude.

"I was looking for someone." I replied with a small smile. Realising I was looking for her. She didn't know it. How was she going to take it?

"Who?" She asked

"Someone I lost." I replied simply.

~Lauren's P.O.V~

But she's Katy Perry right?

Why is she here?

Who is she looking for?

Wait. Why is she in my room?

I had so many questions I needed to know. I mean someone famous doesn't just end up in your hospital room by coincidence.

I felt better than I did before. The pain hadn't been as bad. I felt tired still.

"That one song" I whispered to myself.

I repeated it to myself as I tried remembering what it was.

I looked over at Katy, she looked back at me with a questioning look on her face. I studied her face as I tried, and tried to remember that one song.

That one song that meant so much.

That one song that I sung to them.

That one song I sung about them.

Tears welled up as I remembered.

I remembered the lonely times of singing that song to the stars.

Hoping someone, anyone would hear me.

Hoping they would come back.

Wondering why they left me.

"Lauren are you okay?" Katy asked with concern.

I wiped the tears away and started humming to that one song.

Until I remembered the words again. Until I remembered the pain more.

"Have you ever been s-so" I stumbled. The tears flowed freely. It chocked me as I was unable to finish.

"Lost, no the way and still so lost" Katy sang.

Her voice.

It rang through my ears like a hummingbird's heartbeat.

My heart raced but my breathing slowed down as the tears stopped falling.

She quietly carried on singing. Until tears suffocated her.

Katy was crying.

We were both crying.

"Lauren." Katy said.

I could hear the pain in her muffled cries.

Do I answer her? Do I comfort her?

"I'm so sorry Lauren." She added.

"Wh-what?" I asked through the tears.

"I just.. I'm so sorry!" She yelped as she ran, she ran out the door. Banging it wide open as she went through.

"Katy!" I yelled.

I got up and ran. I followed her small body down the corridors.

"Ka-Katy! Stop! Please." I shouted weakly in between breathing. Pain had started shooting through my body as I ran until my chest caved in on my breathing.

Katy slowed and turned back at me who was stumbling towards her. She could see I was in pain.

"Lauren go back to your room!" She shouted worryingly.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I muffled.

"Just tell me why you're here!? Tell me why you're crying!?" I said as I halted right in front of her. I was closer to her than I thought. I looked up at her face. I saw the sadness. I saw her tear stained cheeks. And I saw something deeper as she looked at me. She studied my features on my face.

Her eyes were mesmerising. They had so many secrets held up. Locked away. Away from the world. Away from many people.

What was it?


Sorry I haven't updated in ages!! I'm trying to do it often as possible and I'm trying to not make this story a boring one! Haha. Hope you all are having a wonderful day! Love you all my kittens! 💕 🐈 ✌️ 🍕


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