Chapter Twelve: I love her.

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~Hayden's P.O.V~

We hoped into the car. Ready to head off to the hospital and see Lauren and Katy. Was she going to try and tell her?

I hoped that everything was okay. Maybe Lauren hadn't even woken up.

"You alright Hun?" Mom asked as she looked over at me.

"yeah I'm just thinking" I answered.

She nodded her head in reply.

I leaned over and switched the radio on. A song had just finished and a familiar song started playing.

It made my eyes well up as I thought of Lauren and how she sang this song to herself. She never noticed that I always heard her.

She had the voice of an angel. She would sit in her room for hours singing it. I probably know the song off by heart now.

But the meaning of it was strong. It meant so much. To me. To her.

I loved Lauren. Ever since I first met her. She was always the cheerful one. The girl that made me smile. The girl that made me laugh. We had been best friends for so long. We told each other everything.

But there was always one thing I hadn't told her.

That I love her.

More than I love anything else. And I hated that I couldn't help her when she was hurting. When she needed to hurt herself. And I wasn't there.

We hopped out of the car and made our way through the hospital corridors until we found two people standing and having an argument. Well that's what it looked like from here.

As we got closer the two people started looking familiar.

It was Katy and Lauren.

"Lauren! How are you?" I said as I ran up to her.

"Hayden! I'm er alright" she answered as I pulled her in for a hug.

Lana had walked up to Katy and it seemed she was asking what was going on.

~Katy's P.O.V~

I didn't know what to say to her.

Could I tell her? Could I risk it? Would she hate me? Would she run away?

I was lost in my thoughts as Lauren turned around to hug Hayden. I saw Lana come up behind them. She had a concerned look on her face.

"Hey Katy. Everything okay?" She asked.

"Uh yeah. I think I have to tell her. She knows something." I replied.

"Oh okay. Well we're here if anything happens. Have you been crying?" She added as she noticed the mascara that had been washed down my cheeks.

"Thankyou. Yeah" I said.

Lana glanced back at Lauren and Hayden who started walking up to us.

Lauren looked up at me. She looked sad. She looked tired.

I watched as Hayden looked down at her. He gave a small smile but noticed she looked sad as she looked at me too. I could see how Hayden looked at her like he cared. Well more than cared. He loved her.

"Hi" Hayden said as he looked up at me.

"Hey" I replied.

Before anyone said anything else the doctor walked past and stopped when he realised it was us.

"Oh I was just looking for you Lauren" he said as he looked at her and smiled.

Lauren gave a weak smile back at him.

"You can be discharged this afternoon. We just have to do a few blood tests then you can go home. But it's strictly bed rest ok?"

"Oh okay. Thanks" she answered.

"That's great news!" Lana said as she smiled warmly.

"Yeah" I added with a smile.

Lauren looked around. She looked confused and annoyed.

"I think we uh, need to talk" she said as she looked at me.

I stared at her. My mouth fell slightly open as I looked for the right words to say.

"Katy?" She said.

I looked at Lana. I was tearing up. I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to hurt her, I couldn't cope with it. I'm so happy I found her but I wasn't prepared for this.

"Lauren. Let's go into the room and talk about it. Is that okay Hun?" Lana asked Lauren. Thank god she stepped in.

"Uhm ok" she answered.


Hope you enjoy! Comment what you think! Mwah! :* :) Xxx


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