Chapter Fifty Three: In The End.

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What have I done? I thought to myself over and over again.
"What have I done?" I then whispered aloud.
I held the phone loosely in my trembling hands before it fell to the ground; as did my heart.
"It'll be okay" Hayden said as he tried to calm me down.
"No it won't!" I said a little angrier than I meant. "How is it going to be okay Hayden? After that! What I said was unforgivable; now everyone is going to find out" I added.
Hayden looked down at his knees; his face frowning as he was in deep thought. 
"She's probably already seen it" I said quietly.
Hayden looked up in fright as there was a few knocks on the door.
"Yeah?" Hayden said. I felt the it of my stomach fall as I thought of Katy being there. 
 The door slowly opened as Lana walked in, her face looking worried.
"Hey Lauren, haven't seen you in a while" She said as she hugged me comfortingly.
"Yeah it's been ages" I smiled.
"Ya'll went to a party last night huh?" She asked looking at Hayden then back at me.
"Ah yeah it was a friends party" He replied.
"Well I've just got a call from Katy, she's in tears" She replied, her voice softening. "She was going on about this video on Twitter or something that you were talking about you and Katy's argument when one of her songs came on. Now I know you had a fair amount to drink but she's devastated and the world is figuring you two out right now." Lana explained, her country accent becoming more noticeable. 
"Oh no" I cried; my hands covering my face in shock, and covering the tears.
"What do I do? I can't even remember what I was saying! Ugh why'd did I go to the damn party" I said angrily as I stood and paced the room. 
We sat in silence as I tried to remember the things I said. In the video I was just mumbling on about our argument and-
I paused.
"What?" Hayden asked.
"Did I actually say she was my mom? In the video or there?" I asked quickly.
No one said a thing for a few seconds, to me it was an agonizing wait.
"In the video, I don't think so but from what I remember, yeah you did." Hayden said sadly, knowing how much this would tear me and Katy apart.
"Fuck! Fuck" I said as I buried my face in my hands and tried to breathe.
"I've got to see her don't I?" I asked/
"Yeah, you need to talk to her Lauren" Lana said. 
"But what if he hates me? What if she never wants to talk to me? What if she leaves me?" I said distressingly.
"What if she leaves me, again?" I said softly before tears started rolling down my cheeks even before I knew I was crying. 
"She's going to leave me!" I sobbed.
"Oh Lauren! She is not going to leave you okay?" Lana soothed as she hugged me while we stood.
"Katy loves you more than anything and the one thing in her life that she regrets is leaving you. She let her heart out to me at the hospital when we thought you wouldn't make it. Katy was there through it all, even though she hardly knew you, she knew that you were her daughter that she had finally found after all these years. Lauren, just believe me; Katy, your mother will never, ever leave you" Lana explained.
I didn't say anything after that, I needed a while to take what she said it. I know she was right, Katy loved me, and I love her. But she doesn't deserve what I'm doing to her.

~Hayden's P.O.V~

I watched as Lauren sobbed into moms arms. Her one fear of Katy leaving her again had taken up all the thought in her mind. 
I shouldn't of taken her to that party, especially after their argument. How stupid of me, this is all my fault I thought to myself. 
I quickly slipped through the door as Lana spoke to Lauren trying to soothe her worries. I closed the front door quietly then hopped into my warm car, starting it up before spending off to Katy's. 
As I drove the radio filled the silence, but as I listened I noticed them talking about what was happening right now.
"There's question about a video posted to Twitter earlier this morning regarding a teenage girl talking about Katy Perry, the pop sensation in a questioning matter. This girls goes on to talk about an argument with Katy? And then something about her mom. What do you guys think this is all about? Call in or text your thoughts" The news readers exclaim, giving no bit of privacy for Katy, or Lauren. This was definitely going to explode with the media. 

I sped into Katy's driveway and ran to her door, knocking loudly. 
"Who is it?" Josh's voice beamed from the other side of the door. 
"Hayden" I replied nervously, thinking that they might not let me in.
It opened and Josh greeted me with a smile.
"Hey" He said.
"Hi" I smiled. "Is Katy home?" I asked, feeling myself get nervous at the thought of what I was going to say to her. 
"Yeah, she's in the living room" He said as he motioned his hand in the direction where I saw her sitting; holding tissues up to her eyes and a phone to her ear. 

"I know! I just need to talk to her okay? It's not her fault." Katy cried.
"You're whole singing carer is on the line because of this Katy. Be careful. I'll talk to you soon" An angry voice came from her phone as it was on speaker.
She pressed the end button and held her face in her hands, I watched as her shoulders jolted back and forth as she cried. 
"Katy?" I said softly, not to scare her. 
She jumped up and wiped her tears.
"Hayden" She replied. "What are you doing here?" She asked, her voice sounding soft and hurt. 
"I came to talk" I said. 
"Okay, come sit" She smiled warmly. 
"I'm really sorry Katy, I didn't mean any of this to happen" I told her as I sat down on the warm sofa. 
"Look this is no ones fault, I don't want you to be blaming yourself, or Lauren to be blaming herself. This is just something that was going to happen, although it didn't happen the way we wanted we still have to work things out without blaming ourselves. If there was anyone to blame it would be me, how I left Lauren like that after what I said." Katy explained.
I didn't think she'd take it like that I thought to myself. 
"Lauren thinks you're going to hate her, and leave her" I said softly. 
"Oh my baby" Katy replied, her face showing how hurt she felt.
"I left when mom was talking to her about that night at the hospital, I think that helps" I eplained.
"Okay, thank god she has your mom" She smiled.

Katy and I talked for a while, I didn't know how I could help the situation. Maybe I couldn't, but being there for Lauren and Katy was all that really mattered in the end.

"Mom?" A small voice came from the front door. 
"She's in the living room sweets" Josh said as he hugged her.
"Thanks dad" She smiled.
"Lauren?" Katy said as I watched her rush over to Lauren who did the same.
"I'm so sorry mom!" She sobbed into Katy's arms.
"Don't be, it'll be okay" Katy soothed. 
As they hugged, talked and cried together Josh came and sat beside me. 
"Do you think it will really be okay?" I asked him. 
"It's going to be hard, but I mean it's Katy; she can get through anything" Josh answered. 
"Yeah, good point" I smiled. 
"And they have us, I know how much Lauren means to you and when I see her with you she looks so happy, it reminds me of how Katy used to look when we first met. Young and in love. Just don't fuck it up like I did" He laughed.
I laughed and agreed with him.
I guess they did have us, and there is no way I am ever leaving Lauren. The love of my life. 

Sorry guys this isn't that long but will update soon, may be a while because I need to study for an exam! :o Wish me luck!
Anyway hope you enjoy! Please comment what you think and vote if you can! :) 
~ Samantha xox

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