Chapter Forty Three: An accident or just love?

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The car sped along the road, tears blurring my vision. I just wanted to forget, but I couldn't. Visions of him, us, flooded my mind like rain. 

I looked down to make sure my phone and the letter were on the seat next to me. Suddenly my ears filled with the noise of a trucks horn and screeching wheels.

My car swerved around before I lost control of the steering wheel, in a matter of seconds I was bolted into trees and bushes. My heart pounding 100 miles a second and my head thumping in pain. 

I sat, still crying and realizing that I did love him. I did want to see him again. I wanted it back, the love. I had been so lost with out him. 

I sobbed loudly into my hands, my neck stung as the seat belt had cut into it. I shakily lifted my hand and placed it on the sore area on my head. I looked down and cried in shock as I noticed that my hand was covered in blood. 

I released the seat belt and cried in pain when it scratched my neck as it flung away, I looked across for my phone and panicked when I couldn't find it. 

I moved my body to the side, my muscles felt achingly. 

I spotted the glitter of my phones case glistening on the floor in the front. I picked it up and saw that the screen had shattered, but luckily it was still working. I tried looking through my contacts to find his number, but I remembered I didn't have it. 

I cried loudly, I couldn't stop the sobbing. 

Minutes passed until I finally caught my breath, although the tears were still falling. 

I found the letter tucked down the side of the chair, I picked it up and started opening it. 

It read;


          The love of my life. 

          I fucked up

          I left the love of my life, all because I was scared. I know it was stupid, so stupid! But please, I need           you more than I need air to breathe. I need to explain why I did what I did, I love you.

         The love I have for you is so fragile, and I wasn't its best caretaker, I chose the wrong way to handle           it and I just hoped, I hoped that I could fix it, that maybe someday we could fix it. So please, let me             explain everything. The truth, what really happened. 

          If you change your mind, I'll always be here, waiting. 

          Call me: 102 1357 761

                                               Love, Josh. 

All I could hear was my heart beating in my chest as I read his words over and over again. 

I kept trying to not need him, but I did. I needed him more than anything, I needed to be with him and Lauren, as a family that we really are. 

I reached back for my phone, dropping it with my shaking hands. I took a breath in and wiped my eyes. 

'I can do this, Katy' I said to myself, I dialed the numbers and held the phone to my ear. Tears still flowing down my cheeks like a river. 

After three rings I quickly stumbled with my phone and hung up. 

Minutes passed as I sobbed and sobbed. 

I attempted to call again, I steadied my breathing back to normal and the first ring went, then the second, but before the third one came, his voice filled my mind.

"Hello? Katy?" He said, his voice sounding weak but hopeful.

"J-Josh" I cried.

"Kathryn! Are you okay?" He cried back, he choked on his own words.

"No, no please help me. I'm so s-sorry" I sobbed. 

"Where are you? Kate!" He yelled, his voice sounded worried and I heard his sobs.

"I-I don't know, I was driving s-somewhere" I cried.

"Fuck! fuck! are you hurt? Do you know what road you were on?" He exclaimed.

"Y-yeah It hurts, everything hurts" I sobbed even more. "The road after Mitchell road, I don't know" I added, my head hurting as I thought of where I was driving last. 

"I'll find you" He said, I heard his car start as he fumbled around.

"Kathryn, you still there?" He said, his voice trying not to weaken.

"Y-yeah, please help me" I said, my voice breaking as I broke down into more sobbing.

"I'm coming, I'm coming" He cried. 

My arm fell in weakness as I ended the call. I just wanted him here, I wanted to see him. 

Soon everything went dark, I couldn't lift my eyes, I felt like I was falling. 

I was falling into a trap, a trap of darkness and I couldn't escape. I kept falling and falling.

Until I felt nothing.


I cried while writing this. Wow.

Comment what you think! I'd love to know if you cried! :'o 

Thankyou for reading! Mwah xxxxxxx



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