Chapter Thirty Five: The stars that shine.

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~Katy's P.O.V~

My back clicked and ached as I stretched. I must of fallen asleep on the couch. I pushed the blanket aside and realized it wasn't there when I was lying on the couch last night, Lauren must of put it there, I thought. 

The sun pierced through the blinds and into the hotel room, I squinted as I noticed how tired and drained I was.

I finally got the energy and got up. I walked into the kitchen and put the jug on. 

My phone vibrated next to me on the bench, I had tons of twitter notifications and some from others too. The battery icon flashed red as I hadn't put my phone on charge, I ignored it and scrolled through messages and pictures that made me feel sick to my stomach. My breathing got deeper as I fought to control these emotions. 

"What am I going to do?" I whispered to my self over and over again.

*Perry's fallen from cloud nine*

*Heart broken with an extra*

*Katy and mini me?*

*Katy and Russell over*

*Secrets with Russell and Katy?*

I scrolled through millions of articles, all with stupid and petty rumored titles.

Hundreds of pictures of yesterday were everywhere, me lying on the ground, Shannon covering me. Lauren hitting Russell, Bonnie with Lauren. How'd they get so many pictures, I thought.

I was soon knocked out of my crippling thoughts when I heard a bang at the door.

"Have you seen it all?" Shannon yelped.

"They are fucking everywhere!" Bonnie said is distress.

"I know I've just seen" I said as I ran my hands through my hair. 

"They have no fucking right! Ugh!" Shannon shouted.

"Shut up! Lauren's still asleep!" I yelled back, my voice raspy and not far off from the edge of breaking down into a million tiny little pieces.

"Oh sorry, she hasn't seen anything then?" She asked more calmly.

"No I wouldn't think so." I replied. 

"What are we going to do? The whole fucking worlds probably seen it all by now!" Bonnie exclaimed in a loud whisper. 

"I know, I know" I huffed as I sat and covered my face in my hands. My phone vibrated again, more twitter mentions. I smiled when I noticed that I had about a hundred fans messages saying things like 'stay strong!' 'We love you Katy!' and a whole lot more. 

My hands shook as I couldn't think of anything to do, usually by now I would have a plan, something to distract these images and rumors from the public, but nothing. 

"I think we need coffee" Bonnie said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Double for me" I replied.

"Wow I did not expect this" Shannon said quietly as she sat beside me on the couch. 

"Neither, I don't know what I'm going to say? Her life is ruined because of me" I said, my voice weakening as tears threatened to fall.

I couldn't cry, I was sick of it. I had cried so much lately that my eyes stung when I blinked. 

"Ugh if I could help I would, I'm just, shocked! I honestly have no idea what to do, for all of us!" She said.

Before I could say anything my phone rung in my hand. 

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