Chapter Forty Six: Please don't leave.

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~Lauren's P.O.V~

"I think everyone's here" Josh said quietly as he looked out the small window that looked out to the corridor. I sobbed and held her hand tightly, I didn't want to leave her.
"I want to stay" I managed to say.
"I'll go talk to them then" He said. But before he left he walked up and kissed Katy on the cheek, his eyes filled with love. I noticed a tear roll down his cheek. 
He really did love her.

I watched as Katy's body twitched, and then her hand moved in mine. 
"Mom?" I said quietly.
Her eye's fluttered open and closed in a quick motion.
"Mom!" I cried. She was waking up, my heart jumped as tears of hope fell from my eyes. 
I let her hand go, she weakly lifted it up to her head and scrunched her face. 
"Lauren?" She mumbled.
"Mom, oh my god mom!" I cried, my cries turned into sobs that managed to take my breath away.
"Lauren baby" She cooed.
Her voice soft and frail.
"I l-love you so much" I cried.
"I love you too" She replied, I looked at her, tears falling down the side of her face.
"Don't scare me like that ever again!" I cried, but it soon turned to a laugh of joy when I saw her smile. Her perfectly white teeth, her perfect face glowing once again. 

As we sat, I held her hand tightly in mine. I never wanted to be away from her again.
The doctor walked in not long after.
"Kathryn!" She smiled.
Katy smiled but didn't answer, she still looked so weak and pale. 
"You've done so well! We'll give you some medication and then come check up on you" She said.
"Thank you" Katy replied with a warm smile, as she injected something into katy's arm. 
"Lauren, I think she needs to rest, and so do you!" She said as she turned to face me.
"I want to stay" I said stubbornly.
"You need to stay healthy" She replied. I didn't want to leave, no matter how hungry I was, no matter how tired I was, I didn't want to leave my mom's side.
"Listen to her Lauren, I don't want my baby getting sick" Katy said as she held my hand in hers. 
I looked down and attempted to blink back the tears.
"Look at me Loz" She said. I looked up as a tear escaped my eye. 
"I-I don't want to leave you mom" I cried.
"I'm going to be fine, and you can come back in a few hours. We both need sleep, okay?" She explained. She wiped the tears from my cheek before pulling me into her.
"I love you Lauren" She said.
"I love you too mom" I replied.
"Now go tell everyone I'm fine" She said, her voice sounding joyful. 
"Okay" I said as I stood and smiled at her, and the doctor. 

I slowly pushed the door open, not wanting to leave, but knowing I had to. She was right, we both need sleep.
I dragged my feet slowly down the corridor until I caught up to Josh and everyone who were waiting in the waiting room. 
Hayden jolted up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, comforting me more than he knows, I smiled and then kissed him.
"How is she?" Shannon spoke.
"She's okay" I smiled tearfully, Hayden's arm still interloped around me. 
"Thank god" Lana smiled.
"She woke up, actually" I added, my smile widening. 
"Oh my god!" Josh yelped as he covered his mouth in shock.
"I know" I said. 
"But she said she wants to sleep" I added.
"You should too, you look exhausted" Josh said.
"I think we should all go have lunch at mine" Lana said cheerfully, automatically making the atmosphere happy.
"Good idea" I said.
"It's lunch time already?" Shannon said in surprise.
"Yeah it's nearly twelve!" Lana laughed.
"Oh wait, can we go give this to Kate?" Shannon asked as she pulled something out of her bag. It was a card and a bunch of purple and pink flowers.
"Yeah, they're so pretty!" I said.
"We all have to sign the card though" Shan smiled and then pulled out a pen.
"What else do you have in there?" Hayden laughed.
"You will never know" Shannon winked and laughed.

The card got passed around everyone, and they all wrote the most sweetest messages that bought tears to my eyes. 
After we all filled it out, I went back to Katy's room.
I knocked quietly before pushing the door open.
She slowly woke up.
"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you" I said, feeling bad.
"It's fine sweetie" She smiled.
"This is from everyone" I said as I put the flowers in a vase on the side table then handed her the card.
She opened it up and tears rolled down her cheeks as soon as she started reading.
"Thank you so much, give them all the biggest hug from me okay?" She cried as she pulled me into her and embraced me.
"I will, I love you" I said, trying not to cry as tears burned my eyes.
"I love you more than the stars that shine" She said, her voice sniffled as she wiped her cheeks.
"What are you all up to now?" She asked.
"We're going to Lana's for lunch" I replied, my voice saddening as I realized Katy wouldn't be coming with us.
"Ah good, and get some sleep while you're there too" She replied. 
"I will, I miss you" I said.
She pulled me into her again and I was engulfed in her warmth. I never wanted to leave.
"Look baby, I'll be back on my feet in no time." She smiled hopefully.
"I know it's just hard, I though I lost you, forever" I said, tears finally winning the battle.
Katy turned pale, and her face fell in sadness.
"I love you" She said.
"I love you too, mom" I replied.
"You'll never loose me, I'm never, never going to leave you okay?" She exclaimed.
I smiled warmly at her before being embraced in one more hug.
"Get some sleep Loz" She said.
"I will, but we'll be back later" I replied.
"Okay, I'll still be here" She laughed.
"Good" I said before I opened the door. I glanced back at her, she stayed smiling warmly at me, making my heart relax.
I didn't loose her.
'Thank you god, thank you' I whispered to myself as I walked back though the corridors and back into the waiting room once again.

"She says thankyou, even through all the tears" I laughed.
"Good, I hope she's okay" Shannon said.
"She is" I replied.
"I called Keith and Mary but they're at a convention and won't be back till tomorrow, but I left a message" Shannon explained.
"Oh okay" I said.
"I think lunch is needed now" Hayden said.
"I agree, lets go" Lana said.

The drive back to Lana's was silent, we were all so tired. I sat in the back with Hayden, his fingers were in-twined in mine, making me feel so much more comfortable.
I rested my head on his shoulders as he kissed my forehead.
"I love you" He said quietly.
"I love you too" I smiled and looked up at him, soon enough his soft lips were on mine.
"Jeez get a room you two" Shannon laughed from the front passenger seat.
"Tell me about it" Lana scoffed jokingly.
"whatever" Hayden said mockingly, making me giggle.

We pulled into the drive way, it felt like I hadn't been here in ages. Memories of us all roasting marsh mellows and watching movies flooded my mind.
"You okay?" Hayden said as he wrapped his arm around me.
"Uh yeah I was just daydreaming" I smiled before he kissed my cheek.
"When's Johnny and Josh going to be here? I need to get some grocery's" Lana asked as she unlocked the door and we all walked in.
"Now by the sounds of it" Shannon said as Johnny's car pulled in the driveway.
"Ah good, I'll head off now then. I won't be surprised if you all fall asleep by the time I get back" Lana laughed.
"Me too" I said as I yawned.
"Hey guys, I'm just heading to the grocery store, I won't be long" Lana said to Johnny and Josh who just walked through the door. 
"Okay cool, thanks" They both replied.

I watched Shannon from the kitchen as she glanced over at Josh, her eyes filling with hatred. I walked over to her and helped her make some coffee's for everyone.
"I know what he did was wrong, and I hate him for it" I said quietly, so only she could hear.
"I can't stand the guy, Lauren. I was with Katy through it all and it was hard, for her and me" She said.
"I know, I think he really cares about her now, I can see it in his eyes when he looks at her. You should've seen him, he was devastated" I explained.
"Ugh I just don't want him to hurt her again" She said, her voice weakening.
"Me too, but she has all of us if he does." I smiled encouragingly.
"Good point" She laughed.
"So, will you give him a chance?" I said as we finished pouring water into the last drink.
"I guess, but if he hurts her, or you, I will kick his fucking ass so hard he'll regret being born" she said seriously.
"Ohmigod you're amazing" I laughed.
We both carried out every ones drinks and sat around. Lana came back not long after, and went straight to the kitchen to prepare lunch.
After lunch we sat and talked for about an hour. There was no more evil stares with Shannon and Josh, the atmosphere seemed to be calmed. 

"I have to get out of these jeans" I said as I walked to the kitchen with a few plates, Hayden followed on behind with some too.
"You can get a shirt if you want" He said.
"Oh yeah I was going to" I smirked.
"You little shit" He laughed.
I went to his room, it hasn't changed a bit. Still a messy unorganized boys room.
"You really should clean up a bit" I teased as I went through his drawers to look for a comfortable shirt. 
"I don't have time for that" He said sarcastically as he sat on his bed.
"Don't look" I said as I quickly took shirt off and changed. 
I looked back at him, his smile on his face melted my heart.
"You looked didn't you?" I laughed.
"Well I only saw your back" He said nervously.
"Ah ha" I mocked. 
Suddenly his hands wrapped around my hips and he pulled me towards him. We both landed on the soft bed, laughing at the buoyancy we had. I huddled closer to him and I felt the warmth of his body on mine, soon enough his soft lips crashed against mine, sending shivers down my back.
"I love you Lauren" He smiled.
"I love you Hayden" I chuckled.
We lay together for what felt like hours. Just talking and listening to the rain that had started falling. After a while, my eyes felt heavy. Soon enough we drifted off to sleep in each others arms. 

Thank you for reading! You all are amazing! Hope you are having a good day my lovelies! Please comment and vote! :) <3 

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