Chapter Twenty Nine: This is fancy.

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Hayden bought down my suitcase from my room as I got the last things I needed packed into the bag I was taking on the plane. 

As I heard cars pull into the driveway, I huddled into Hayden as he pulled me in with his right arm and opened the door for Katy with his other.

I felt his warmth and took in his sent that I woudn't get to smell for a few days. 

"Hey guys" Katy greeted with a smile as she walked up to the porch.

"Heya" We both replied.

"Come in" I said as I motioned her inside.

"Okay" She smiled.

"Hey Katy, how are you?" Lana greeted her.

"Hey! I'm good and you?" She replied.

"That's good" Lana smiled. "I'm good to thanks" She added before offering us all a drink.

We all sat in the lounge and had a drink together. It felt like I was leaving forever. I have to keep blinking the tears back and remember it's only for a few days.

I'm going to miss him so much, and Lana I thought. 

"So got everything ready?" Lana asked.

"I hope" I laughed nervously.

"If you forget anything we can buy it when we get there so don't panic" Katy said as she noticed the look on my face.

I smiled simply at her. 

Thoughts rushed through my mind as more nervousness set in. I had never been on a plane before, I had never been to a different country and I certainly hadn't been in public with anyone famous before.

"Do you want me to put her suitcase in the car?" Hayden asked while knocking me out of thoughts at the same time. 

"Yeah that would be good thanks" Katy smiled. 

I stood and picked the empty cups up and headed towards the kitchen.

"You okay?" Lana asked as she gently bumped into my shoulder.

"Uh yeah just nervous" I half smiled.

"Aww yeah, I would be too! But it'll be great, you'll have a great time" Lana said as she pulled me in for a hug.

"Bring back some souvenir's eh?" She laughed. 

"Ah I will" I laughed and took a breath in to calm myself down. She was right, I'm going to have the best time ever, it's London! Come on Lauren! I told myself.

We all made our way out onto the porch area after I had taken a while to get every last little thing. 

"Ready?" Katy asked.

"Yeah, yeah I am" I smiled. A feeling of excitement had shot through me as I stood smiling.

Lana pulled me in for a hug.

"We'll see you in a few days okay! Hope you guys have a good time, enjoy yourselves!" She laughed.

"We will" I smiled.

I turned to Hayden as he pulled me into his body. His arms wrapped around me tightly and his hands trailing through my hair. 

"I miss you already" He said softly.

I chuckled at him before his soft lips were on mine. My body tingled and my lips moved with his. Noticing the glare Katy was giving us we parted and hugged again.

"I love you" He whispered into my ear.

"I love you too" I whispered back before parting. 

"Come on love birds we got a plane to catch" Katy said.

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