Chapter Two: No Love.

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I felt a pounding in my head as my eyes struggled to open. The burning light made me wince. Where am I? I thought as I woke up.

I was in a familiar room, the duvet was a velvet blue colour. I looked around to see pictures around, of me and Hayden.

Ah I was in Hayden's bed.

Wait why am I in Hayden's bed?

I quickly shot up and tried to recall what had happened that previous night. I ran away. I ran and ran until someone found me, obviously Hayden. Thank god.

I got up out of the bed I had slept in, I was still in my dirty old clothes. I went to the drawers and got a large top out. He wont mind.

I went into the bathroom and caught a glimpse of myself.

What happened? I thought as I looked in disgust. My feet and knees stung as there were grazes everywhere. But my thighs burned. I winced in pain.

I hopped into the warm shower. Although it felt like hundreds of pins going through my thighs.

I got out and wrapped a towel around my tired and numb body. My legs ached. My chest was sore and I struggled to breathe without pain.

I got dressed and put my hair up in a messy bun. The top I borrowed was long enough to cover everything.

I walked down the hall and followed the sent of freshly cooked toast. Hayden looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey you. Did you have a good sleep?" He asked caringly.

"Yeah, Thanks. I hope you don't mind me borrowing your shirt" I said as I looked down and laughed.

"Its perfectly fine" Hayden said. "Want some breakfast?" He added.

"No I'm fine at the moment" I replied.

I went and sat on the couch as Hayden's mum Lana walked in.

"Hey Lauren!" She said as she sat next to me.

"Morning Lana" I replied. I had known Hayden and his mum so long now that I could call her Lana, she didn't mind it either. We were so close. She was like a mother to me. A mother I never had.  

"Are you okay?" She asked as she put her hand on my knee. "I heard a little about what happened last night, you can talk to me whenever you want baby" She said looking worryingly.

Tears welled up in my eyes. I had been so numb from all the crying, I didn't think I could cry again but I guess not.

I burst into tears which made Lana bring me towards her into a hug. Hayden ran up to us and we all sat there as I cried, and cried.

"Ohmigod I'm sorry" I said as I wiped the constantly pouring tears away from my cheeks.

"Don't you dare be sorry" Lana said as she blinked back the tears. She really cared about me, she loved me like a daughter she never had.

"Was is Joe again?" Hayden said sternly.

The sound of his name bought me to tears again.

"Fuck! I'm gonna kill him!" He said as he paced around the room with his fists clenched.

"Calm down Hayden" Lana said calmly.

Lana glanced over my body until she spotted the bruises.

"D-did he do this to you?" Lana said as her eyes welled up.

I nodded. Her tears streamed down her face.

"My baby. He's not going to hurt you anymore!" She said as she cried. And I cried.

Hayden looked more furious then ever until he saw his mom and me crying together. He came to comfort us, but he ended up letting a few tears fall. I had only seen him cry twice. One was when his dog died, he was only 11. And now.

Flash back

The door slammed open against the wall as Joe stood there. I could smell the alcohol on him. But he looked like he had one of his 'bad days' which meant I wasn't going to get away with anything.  I quivered under my blankets hoping he would think I was asleep and leave. But he didn't.

The blankets were ripped off my bed. He used so much strength that they ripped apart.

I screamed as a huge fist took a blow in my stomach and gripped my wrists. They stung as he pulled them firmly. He hit and hit and hit. Until I was bruised and battered everywhere.

"G-get the fuck up you bitch, you gonna go c-cry to your mommy? Aww too bad she left you" He snarled as he punched me again. Harder this time. This was the worst beating I had ever gotten from him before. I guess he really had a bad day.

He stumbled over and fell. I took the chance and ran. I ran straight out of the old rotting house. I ran into the forest that was close by. I hurt all over. I had used the last of my strength to run and run. I started hearing voices and I cried. I ran even faster. But the last thing I saw was someone holding me as the world went dark.

End of flash back.

We had been sitting together for a while as my eye lids began to feel heavy, and my bones still ached.

"You should go get some sleep hun" Hayden said as he noticed that I was tired.

"Okay, I'll see you soon. Thank you for everything" I said to them as I walked down the hall.

"You're welcome princess, you deserve everything. Don't ever listen to what that bastard says okay?" Hayden replied. I laughed and agreed. I was too tired to speak.

Years of being told I was worthless and that I should have been dead and a lot more has had an effect. I was bought up by that person.

When I was just a few months old I had been adopted out to a family. Joe, Helen and Alex. They were a nice family. I remember Helen and Joe reading me stories together every night. They were my family. Alex was my older brother, we did everything together. I loved them.

Until one day.

When I was 4, Joe had taken me to a doctors appointment. Helen had taken Alex to his soccer game. After the doctor, Joe had bought us each an ice cream while we drove home.

It was a stormy day, I'm quite surprised Alex's game wasn't actually cancelled. We waited for them to get back. It had been over an hour since they were supposed to be back. Joe was worried to death. He paced around the room, calling them both. No answers.

I was scared. At 4 years old, I didn't know what was happening, all that I knew is I wanted my mommy to come home to read a bedtime story to me with dad.

There was a knock on the door. I ran up to the door with Joe hoping it was Alex and Helen. But at the door stood to men in uniform. Police uniform.

Joe knew straight away what had happened. He broke down then and there.

Helen and Alex who I had loved dearly lost there lives in a car accident.

I will always remember that day. So much pain. And since then, nothings been the same. No bedtime stories. No movie nights. No love. All I got was a sad, drunk man who beat me.

When I started school, I was scared and alone. Until this boy came up to me during lunch. We had been inseparable since. Hayden knew everything. I told him everything. I stayed at his for nights on end when it got bad. But now, I was definitely not going back to Joe after this. 


Hey KatyCat's! I hope you are enjoying it so far :) I'm trying to make it  nice long one with a good story line. So tell me what you think my lovelies! :* xx


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