Chapter Forty Four: Darkness it was complete darkness.

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The world fell to silence. Nothing to hear, not even the birds.

The silence was like darkness to my ears. My head thumped continuously in pain, I just wished I could hear someone, I wanted the pain to go away. I wanted to be home, with Lauren.

"Kathryn?" I heard someone from a distance. I prayed that the voice wasn't in my head.

"Katy! Holy shit!" They yelled. Light slowly entered my vision as the large figure ripped the crunched door open.

"Kathryn! I'm here baby" He cried.

"J-Josh" I stuttered, hoping it really was him.

I felt his arm slide under me, I tried to move but my body just fell. He pulled me onto the next seat and wrapped his other arm around me. I felt myself soon being lifted out of the car. The sun burnt my eyes as I clenched them shut.

"Katy, can you hear me?" He cried as he placed me gently on the cold grass.

I opened my eyes, his face was pale and his cheeks were wet with tears. His hand held my head, right where it was thumping.

"Y-yeah, I'm fi-fine" I said as I attempted to sit up. I scrunched my face as sharp pain shot through my body and then to my head.

"Ahh!" I cried.

"I'm going to call an ambulance ok!" He shouted.

"J-Josh I'm sorry" I said. I couldn't think about anything, I just wanted him. I needed him to know I love him.

Before he answered he bent down and kissed me, his lips warm and made mine tingle. I wanted it to last forever but the rush of pain to my head soon made me forget.

~Lauren's P.O.V~

"Have you tried calling her again?" Hayden asked.

"Yes! I've called her about 30 times!" I snapped.

"I'm sorry" He said, wrapping his arms around me.

"Ugh no I'm sorry, I'm just worried" I replied.

"Guys, Josh is calling me" Johnny said from across the room.

I looked at him as he answered it, his face turning pale as soon as I heard Josh's muffled voice.

"B-but she's ok right?" Johnny replied weakly.

"We're coming right away" He added before ending the call and looking dumbfounded.

"Mom, no, no she's ok right? W-whats happened!?" I screamed before breaking into a pit of tears at the thought of Katy being hurt.

"Come on we have to go" Johnny said as he got his keys and motioned us out of the door to his car.

"She'll be fine" Hayden soothed, even his comforting couldn't control my sobbing. I had no idea what's happened, and if Katy's okay. I couldn't lose her, I just couldn't.

I watched as Hayden dialed Lana's number and held the phone to his ears. He scrunched his face as he held back the tears.

"Mom, can you meet us at the hospital. Katy's had a-an accident" He said softly before his voice weakened.

"Thanks, love you" He replied before I saw tears fall down his cheeks.

He held me in his arms the rest of the way as we both cried.

Johnny sped down the highway, going down 99. We arrived in a matter of minutes, Johnny's face remained pale, and in shock. We were all as shocked as each other.

But why did she run out like that? She's been through so much, if I was her I don't know if I'd still be here. All these thoughts ran through my mind as we ran down the hospital corridors searching for the room number that the receptionist had given us.

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