Chapter Fifty One: Mistakes and Misfortunes.

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"Oh good, you're home" Katy smiled lovingly as we walked in the house.
"Hayden! how've you been?" She greeted with a smile.
"Hey, good thanks. What about you? Are you feeling any better?" He asked.
"Yeah, heaps actually. Still not allowed to do anything though" She muttered annoyingly
"Yeah we wont let her" Josh laughed as we walked into the living room were he sat.
"Good, you need to rest" Hayden replied.
"I know I know" Katy moaned. 
"Anyway, what are you two up to tonight?" She asked.
"I was just about to ask if I could stay with Lana and Hayden tonight?" I asked nervously, I had no idea why I was nervous, I knew the answer.
"Of course sweetie! We were thinking of having dinner with you guys before we properly leave" She explained.
"Oh sounds good" Hayden smiled.
I walked to my room as I heard their small conversations. My room was cold, and dark, All I needed was my bag with some spare clothes, make up and my phone charger. 'Simple' I said to myself.
As I got my bag ready I felt Hayden's arms wrap around my waist from behind.
"Simple eh?" He chuckled.
"Oh you heard me?" I laughed
"Sure did" He laughed as he spun me around. Our faces were a centimetre apart; I could feel his lips barely brushing on mine. 
I smiled as I looked at him, his eyes sparkling. I could feel the love, I could feel his heartbeat. Before long I realized I hadn't breathed, so I took a breath before grabbing Hayden's face and pulling him into me. Our heartbeats entwined together, beating simultaneously.
"I love you, Lauren" He whispered with the last breath he had.
"I love you too" I smiled as I realized we had been glued to each other for what felt like a minute, but really was probably around 10. 
"Got your stuff?" Hayden asked as we stepped apart from each other. 
"Yeah" I replied. 
I walked up to him and placed a kiss on his cheek; leaving him with a huge grin on his perfect face. 

The sky had completely turned black; leaving nothing to be seen, not even the stars where out.
"Do you want me to drive you there?" Katy asked.
"No it's fine, my cars just parked at the beach" Hayden replied with a smile.
"Okay, well I'll see you tomorrow Loz" She said as she embraced me in a hug. Her sent of fresh strawberries and vanilla making me hungry.
"Okay mom, see you then" I replied.
"And be safe!" She mocked with a wink.
"Ohmygod mom!" I shouted while Hayden just laughed in embarrassment.
"I'm being serious" She added. Her face turning expressionless. 
"I know" I replied as we started to walk out the door before she grabbed me by the arm quickly and waited while Hayden had walked away so he couldn't hear. 
"I don't want you to make the same mistakes I did Lauren." She said, her eyes glistening as if she was about to cry.
"What? I'm a mistake?" I asked harshly. It felt like someone had punched me in the stomach to hear that come from her. 
"No! Don't be stupid Lauren! I mean how hard it was, and how hard it was when I lost you" She explained. But all I heard was her saying I was a mistake, it kept going around in my head. 
"I-I don't know what to say." I said quietly
"I didn't mean it like that!" She said
"Are you sure? Are you sure I wasn't just your mistake" I exclaimed to her. I noticed Hayden had just started walking back up to the door, before slowing down as he noticed the tension between Katy and I. 
"Are you two okay?" He asked,
"Yeah I just said something that came out wrong" Katy replied.
"Yeah well apparently I'm a mistake" I huffed.
"Wha-" Hayden started before being interrupted by Katy.
"Lauren please! I didn't mean it like that, yeah it was hard for me and at times I didn't want to be here but I always loved you okay?" Katy explained. 
"Yeah, right" I said as I started walking off.
"Lauren!" Katy called out.
"I'll see you tomorrow Katy" I replied harshly. 
I knew I shouldn't have said it. I knew it was too mean. But it just came out.
"Come on lets go" I said to Hayden as we walked, I took a small glance back at Katy who stood with a shocked look on her face; she was hurt, yeah but so was I. I know all I am to her is a mistake, even if she loves me, she never wanted me. 

~Katy's P.O.V~ 

I stood there and watched her walk away. 'What have I done' I said quietly to myself as tears began to roll down my cheeks. 
"Katy?" Josh called.
I stood in silence. The words we both said going around in my head.
"Katy? What happened?" He asked as he walked over to me.
"I uhm" I said softly.
"Katy you're crying?" He said as he noticed the tears. 
"I said something" I replied.
"To Lauren?" He asked. His hands rubbed my back and soothed me instantly.
"Ye-yeah" I mumbled. 
"I told her I didn't want her to make the same mistakes I did, and she thought I was talking about her" I explained, my voice breaking as I spoke.
"She just needs time to process what you said. She doesn't know how to cope with this, with fighting with you. And she's a sensitive girl; just like you" He soothed. 
"I know I just with she knew I didn't mean it, and she called me Katy" I told him as more tears flooded my vision. He pulled me into him and hugged me tightly. I felt his warmth and his love, boy I had missed this.
"It'll be okay Kate" He whispered.
"I love you Josh" I said softly, trying to contain the sobs.
"I love you too" He said as he rocked me in his arms. 

~Lauren's P.O.V~

I looked out of the window, the city's lights flashing in front of me like fireworks; distracting me from the thoughts racing rapidly through my mind. 
"I'm sure she didn't mean it like that" Hayden said softly, breaking the silence as we drove. 
"It hurt me" I snapped.
"I know and I understand why, but just think about it for a bit" He replied. I didn't answer him, I didn't know what to think. Was I really taking this too far? But it hurt, what she said hurt me. 
"It'll be okay" He soothed as he put his hand on my thigh. 
"My friends having a party tonight, do you want to go? Might take your mind off things for a bit" Hayden said.
"Yeah sure, how would we get home?" I asked.
"We can walk, it's only a few minutes from mine" He smiled.
"Okay" I answered.

We drove for a little longer before parking the car at Lana's. The air was cold and stung against my bare arms.
"You want my jacket?" Hayden asked as he noticed me shiver.
"Won't you be cold?" I asked.
"Nope" He smiled. 
We walked for what felt like miles but we were finally there. The house was bright with lights decorated around the trees. Many voice's echoed from inside; you could definitely tell it was a party.

"Hayden! So glad you could make it!" greeted the guy at the door. He was tall and buff with short brown hair. He reminded me of those jocks at high school that are assholes I snickered to myself; boy was I in a bitchy mood. 
"Hey man! Lauren this is Joey; a mate from work and Joey, this is Lauren my girlfriend" Hayden introduced us.
"Hey, nice to meet you. You got lucky Hayden" He said, and then turned to Hayden and winked. It made me feel a little uneasy. 
Hayden just laughed' his hand was placed on my lower back as we walked into the house. It was massive, like a mansion. There were a ring of stairs spiraling up to the other floors. The hand rails were gold and made the house look fancy and well cleaned; besides all the party streamer and cups everywhere. 
"Drink?" Hayden asked.
"Sure" I smiled as he passed me a red cup.
"Don't leave it anywhere, keep it with you at all times. You know what people are like these days" He exclaimed.
"Yeah I know" I replied. 
The music was loud and made my head hurt but after a few drinks I didn't mind at all. I felt a sense of freedom. I wasn't worrying about anything. I had forgotten about Katy's words. All I was thinking about was how to keep my balance while dancing with Hayden and the rest of the crowd.
I felt Hayden's body next to mine as we danced. The heat radiating from each other as we laughed and sung. 
After a few more drinks I felt completely lost. Lost in emotion. Lost in my thoughts. 

I need help! Do you think I should make a second sequel to this one? Or should I just keep going until I finish? I have a few more cliff hangers for ya! 
Please message me or comment and tell me what you think! 
Thank you for reading my lovelies! 
~Samantha Xox

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