Chapter One: Into Darkness.

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I ran as fast as I could. The sticks cracked beneath my feet and they cut my already broken shoes. Tears streamed down my face.
I cant believe they did this to me! All these thoughts surrounded me as I ran and ran until I couldn't run any longer. My chest was tight and I struggled to breathe.
I fell to the ground and cried and cried. I could hear someone faintly but it had to be my own thoughts, no one would come out here, in the middle of a forest.

"Lauren!!" Someone shouted. They were getting closer.
What if it was him? I stumbled to my feet. My knees were bleeding, so were my hands.
"Go away!! Leave me alone!!" I shouted so loud that the trees rattled with stirring creatures.
I was still crying. Would I ever stop?
"Lauren!! It's okay" The person shouted back. I couldn't recognise the voice, I struggled to hear it, but I thought the worst.
I stammered back but my foot got stuck and I fell back. I saw a shadow of someone running up to me.
"Lauren are you alright?!" I heard a familiar voice ask but the world was fading into darkness.
"Let me die" I mumbled to the person who was holding me. Then darkness set in.


This chapter is really short because its like an introduction. I hope you keep reading my lovelies! xx ~Samantha


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