Chapter Thirty One: Mother like Daughter?

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~Lauren's P.O.V~


"Ughh" I groaned as I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Come on Loz, wakey wakey!" Katy laughed.

She lay next to me on the luxury king sized bed as she tickled my sides. When that failed to get me up she jumped up and opened the blinds. Sun light flooded the room.

"Katy! Whyyyy?!" I yelped jokingly. She laughed and jumped back on the bed.

"I know how you feel but you gotta get up" She smirked. 

I picked the pillow up beside me and hit her with it. 

"Ha!" I laughed as I covered myself back up in the blankets.

"You biaatch!" She teased. Soon enough the pillow came back and hit me multiple times with Katy in a fit of laughter.

After a few minutes of throwing pillows around we both surrendered.

"Well that was fun" I said as I rubbed my eyes. 

"It was." She smiled. Her face was relaxed, something in her eyes was different. It instantly made me happy to see her like this.

"Want a coffee or something?" She asked as she stood up and straightened out the bed covers. 

"Yes please" I said as I did the same. 

I looked over at Katy properly and saw that she was already dressed. She looked smart with a black dress that came up to her mid thigh, the dress glistened in the sun and showed that it was actually patterned. It looked amazing on her. 

"You go get dressed and it'll be ready when you come out" Katy smiled.

"Okay" I replied as I dug through my suitcase that sat at the end of the bed.

I wanted to wear something fancy and look at least a little smart, like Katy. 

I finally decided on my leopard patterned dress that was fitted up until my waist where it then puffed out. It went up to my mid thigh. 

After doing my hair up in a messy bun, but tidy at the same time and doing my face, I went into the lounge and sat with Katy while we had some breakfast and our coffee's. 

"Bonnie and Shannon are coming over then we're going to head off. I have to be there by 1" Katy said as she looked on her phone. Probably messages from them, I thought.

"Okay well I'm ready, surprisingly." I laughed.

"Eh did take a while to get you up" She smirked. 

"Mother like daughter" I laughed. But not realizing what I said until it was too late. My cheeks flushed and a part of me flared up in anger with myself. I still wasn't sure about all this, and I don't want to hurt her. A little part of me was still angry at her, she did leave me but then again she had no choice. 

I glanced over at Katy, her eyes filled with many emotions. I couldn't describe the look in her eyes. Was it pain? Was it joy? I had no idea.

"I-I uh" I mumbled. Nothing could escape my mouth.

A tear rolled down her cheek, she quickly wiped it, hoping I didn't see.

"I'm just going to go get ready" She said softly. Her voice pinged with sadness. I couldn't help but feel the worst.

~Katy's P.O.V~

Something about those words cut me inside. I needed to be on my own, I raced to my room and collapsed on my bed. My limbs went weak and my chest caved in on me as sobs escaped my mouth.

I couldn't understand this feeling, what was happening. All I knew is that there was an aching in my chest to hear those words.

For the fist time, she had noted me as a mother. Was I taking this too far? Did she mean it? I thought as tears were soaking through the blankets. 

I wish I could be her mom. I wish I could've had a normal life with her. 

"Katy?" Lauren said quietly. She must of heard me cry. 

"Katy? I'm sorry" She whimpered. I could tell in her voice that she was upset. I have to be strong, although I wasn't the nearest bit. 

I sat up and wiped my now smudged eyes as I looked at Lauren who was nearly in tears. 

"Don't be Lauren, I'm sorry I just-" I mumbled. I didn't know what to say. My eyes filled up again and escaped down my cheeks. 

She came over and sat beside me. 

"I didn't mean to make you feel like this" Lauren sobbed. "I hate seeing you cry" She added.

"It's okay, its okay" I sniffed.

After a while of being entangled in the one and only person in this world that I love more than anything, I decided get up and re-do my face as Bonnie and Shannon were on their way over. Lauren also went and did the last little bits before we left.

Before I had to see the person who broke me. The person I vowed my life too. The person I thought was my soul mate.

But I've now come to find out that, It's not like the movies, but that's how it should be, right? 


Just a short update, will be doing one tomorrow or the next day! :) Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I went to Whiritoa with my best friend, and during that time I nearly lost my cat to a severe head injury. But luckily she's made it and is now doing well :) Thankyou for reading my lovelies! Mwah :* Xxx 



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