Chapter Sixty: This is Happiness.

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~ Hayden's P.O.V continued ~

Each flutter of Lauren's closed eyelids let more tears slide down her pale cheeks.
I watched as her chest slowly lifted up and down as she breathed, I didn't know what to think about anything, all I knew is that I loved her. 

"Hayden" Katy called.
I walked quietly to where Katy was standing before closing the door of Lauren's room.
Katy looked at me but I couldn't tell what she was thinking.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen." I said softly.
"It's not your fault" Katy said as she pulled me into a hug.
"Just please don't break my little girl's heart." She cried softly.
"I wouldn't. I'm not leaving her" I said. Katy put her hands on my shoulders as a small smile appeared.
"Thank you" She said.
"I need to go see my mom" I told Katy before stepping quietly into Lauren's room.
"Loz?" I whispered. All that came from Lauren was a few groans before she gripped onto my hand.
"Lauren, I'm going to moms now" I said. She slowly opened her eyes, they were completely bloodshot from all the crying.
"Please come back" She whimpered.
"I will" I said as I kissed her on the forehead.

Soon enough my car had pulled into the driveway. It had felt like forever since I had seen my mom.
"Hayden!" She shouted as I walked into the living area. The wooden fragrance reminding me of how it used to be.
I mean don't get me wrong I am so glad Lauren has her mom now, Katy has really helped her. But I did miss it. I miss the old times, the memories.
I was brought back into reality as I remembered nothing ever be the same again.
"Mom!" I smiled as we embraced in a hug.
"I've missed you! How's Lauren? I haven't seen you both in ages!" She exclaimed.
"Uhh we're good" I said not knowing myself if it was true or not.
"That's good" She smiled, obviously oblivious to everything that's happened.
"You want a coffee or something?" She asked.
"Coffee sounds nice, thanks mom" I smiled.

About 20 minutes passed as we talked about anything and everything. I couldn't gain the courage to tell her what I had only found out a couple of hours ago.

"Are you sure you're okay? You seem off" Mom questioned. My fidgeting and paleness probably made her curious.
"There's something I have to tell you" I said as I took a large breath of air and looked down at my feet.
"What is it?" She asked confusingly.
I grabbed my face with both of my hands as I thought of how to tell her.
"Hayden? What's wrong?" She asked, her hand on my shoulder as she tried to comfort me.
"Lauren's pregnant" I said.
"What? How? I mean ohmigod!" She yelped. Her voice sounding confused.
"How is she? How are you? " She exclaimed.
"Lauren's not coping very well but I'm okay I mean as long as I have Lauren then I'm sure we can do it" I said.
"Yeah she will definitely need you. You have to support her with everything" she said sounding sad.
"Can we go see her?" She asked.
"Yeah I'm sure she'd love to see you" I smiled.

~ Lauren's P.O.V ~
I felt a cool breeze brush against my cheeks, still wet from the constant stream of tears.
I picked up my phone that lay on the bedside cabinet. It was 6.05pm already. Had I slept for that long? I mentally asked myself before remembering what I had found out.
I looked down at my stomach, it looked the same. I slowly lay my cold hand on my bare skin.
It was a weird feeling, there was another human inside of me. It was mine.
I was interrupted out of my thoughts by voices. It must be Katy and Josh.
I got up and looked in the mirror, that was a bad decision. My hair was messy and matted with dark bags under my puffy eyes.
I washed my face preparing to go out and face reality.
The smell of dinner made my stomach rumble as I walked into the living room.

"Lauren, how are you sweetie?" Katy asked as I sat down next to her.
"I don't know" I answered truthfully. I didn't know what to feel.
Katy wrapped her arms around me as we sat together. I squeezed my eyes shut, I honestly just didn't want to cry anymore.
I buried my head into Katy's shoulder as she rocked me in comfort. I felt safe, I never wanted to leave her embrace. It felt as if all my worries and troubles were escaping me. 

"I think someone's here" Katy murmured to herself as the knocks on the door grew louder. I was slightly annoyed at whoever was here. I just wanted to stay in my mom's arms. 
"Lana!" Katy yelped.
"Katy! How are you?" Lana replied, as they hugged. 
"Good, you?" Katy asked.
"Yeah good" Lana smiled. They walked into the room where Katy and I had once been sitting. 
"Lauren" Lana said softly, a small sympathetic smile appearing on her face. 
"Hey" I smiled back, not knowing whether she'd be upset with me realizing she knew I was pregnant and it was obviously Hayden's.
Lana sat next to me as Katy and Hayden went into the kitchen to see Josh.
"I've missed you!" She said as she wrapped her arms around me.
"I've been meaning to come visit" I said while hugging her back.
"I just want to say one thing" She said taking her arms away and sitting up properly. I looked at her worryingly. 
"You have been through so much and you have come so far, I mean you found your mom, you two are as strong as ever and it's really amazing to see how much stronger of a person you are today. I remember a couple of months ago, when Hayden brought you back here after you had finally had enough of the pain. I remember seeing Hayden's face each time he looked at you, even when y'all first met. He has so much love for you, and so do I. I think of you as my own daughter and I just want you to know that I will always be here, and so will Hayden and of course Katy. You will never, ever be alone again, and that's a promise" She explained, tears welling in her eyes. I wrapped my arms around her tightly, with tears falling from my eyes. Katy, Hayden and Josh all agreed with what she had said.
"We will always love you, Lauren" Katy said as they all joined in the hug. 

I had no words. Memories of the past few months flooded my mind. I felt as if my heart was full of love. I had everyone that I needed right here with me. This is happiness.

Lana was right.
I had made it.

Life's a journey, and it certainly is not over yet. 

Thankyou to every single one of you that have been reading this book. I've been writing it for over a year now and it has finally come to an end.
I have enjoyed this more than anything in this world and its been an amazing experience. 
I hope you all like this story and I hope many more people come to read it. 
I will be writing another story sometime soon but it might not be a Katy Perry fanfic.
Btw Katy is still my fave and I love her more than life <3 
Please like and comment your thoughts! 
I love you all 

~ Samantha 

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