Chapter Six: The Truth Will Set You Free.

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Katy's P.O.V

After confessing the part of my life with Lauren that only a few people had really known. I felt better than I did. I knew Lana wouldn't tell anyone, I could trust her. I dont know why, but I had a gut feeling that I could. 

We walked into the waiting room near ED. Hayden sat there, he didn't look up at us when we came and sat next to him. I saw the pain in his eyes, he was numb. I knew it because I was feeling the exact same. 
"Have you been crying?" He looked up and asked me. I quickly wiped my cheeks, obviously my mascara had been smudged.
"Uh yeah" I said quietly. He gave me a look of confusion. Hee didn't even know why I was still here, let alone crying. Lana looked at him. She gave him a look, I think she was trying to tell him it was okay, that me being here was for a reason. I think he needed to know. One because he was her best friend. He loved her. And two, because it is strangly weird me being here. 

We waited 2 hours until someone finally came out, we all shot up out of our seats to find out if she was okay. 
"We've managed to stop the bleeding" The doctor said.
"Oh thank god!" I said. A bit to loud because everyone glanced at me. Lana understood but Hayden started to look annoyed.
"What are you hiding?!" He shouted at me and Lana. We both looked at eachother, unsure of what to say.
"Mom?" He said. The annoyance in his tone was getting more noticable.
"I can't tell you" She said, a  look of sadness formed across her face. "Katy is the only one who can tell you, but she has to be ready too. It's not easy to explain okay?" She added while being serious. She was trying to help me, did I want to tell him? An 17 year old boy, who was best friends with Lauren. What would he say? He knew how much pain Laurens been through, what if he will hate me for it? for leaving her?

"Katy? Are you going to tell me? Is it about Lauren?" He said. He knew something. 
"I-I dont know if I can" I said as I looked down at the ground. A tear escaped my eye. I quickly wiped it without him, or Lana seeing. 
Lana pulled me towards her, a few steps back from were Hayden was standing waiting for an answer.
"Katy, he's going to find out sooner or later, I dont know if you're ready, well I dont think any of us are ready, or will ever be ready about this, about whats happened today. If you find it hard to tell him, what's going to happen when you have to tell Lauren? I'm sorry Katy but this is serious." Lana said.

I stared into space as I took in her words. She was right. Everything she said made sense. How was I going to tell Lauren? It was hard enough telling Lana, and now Hayden. Was I ready for this? Was Lauren? I wasn't prepared for this, feeling like this. I didn't even think I would find her. But look where I am now.

Hayden's P.O.V

I looked over at them. Mom looked serious. What were they hiding?
"Hayden, uh" Katy said as she walked towards me. "Take a seat" She added.
I sat down as Katy sat next to me. 
"I'm going to go get some coffee, do you guys want one?" Mom asked.
"Yes please." We both replied. She walked down the hall. Me and Katy were left alone. I didn't know what was coming ahead of me. 
"So what have you two been hiding?" I asked.
"I'm going to start off from the beggining okay?" She said. I motioned her to go on.
"I had just turned 17 years old when I met the so called love of my life. I loved him so much, and I thought he loved me. But I got pregnant. I didn't know what to do. I went to my parents and I pleaded to them. I needed advice, I didn't know what I was doing. I was just 17. When he found out h-he left me. I dont blame him really, he was the same age. We were still kids we wern't prepared for anything like this. I only had my parents and a few of my close friends for support throughout the 9 months. When I had her, she just seemed so perfect. But I wasn't ready, I wanted to be known around the world, I wanted to sing. I couldn't have gotten to here. I thought about her everyday, until it consumed me. And it did. I just, I cant live with myself. I just left her, I'm so god damn selfish!" She explained.

I was in complete shock.
"Wait" I said as I took it all in.
"Wait. You're her mother?" I said as I looked up at the now crying Katy.
"Ye-yes" She replied.
"No wonder she looks like you." I said quietly. "This is just going to fast" I said. I tried to comprahend everything that has just happened today, and what Katy had just told me. 
"I didn't think I would find her, let alone be here" She said as she wiped her cheeks.
"You're Katy Perry? You're Laurens mum?" I said. The feeling of tiredness grew over me as everything sunk in, quickly and hard. Lauren's lying in a hospital bed, fighting for her life. And all of a sudden Katy Perry's on the scene telling me she's her mother.

As I thought to myself I saw mum coming down the corridore with three coffee's in her hands. 
"Here you go Katy" She said as she passed the tearful Katy her coffee.
"Thankyou Lana" Katy replied.
"Hayden, there's yours." She said.
"Thanks mom" I said. 
"Are you guys okay? I know it's a lot to take in" Mom said as she looked at me and then Katy.
"A lot?" I laughed. I mean it wasn't Katys fault. But this was too much to take in.
"I'm sorry" Katy said with a sad tone in her voice.
"Dont apologize, at least you're here, I mean she's not going to wonder about who her mum is anymore." I said. I dont want Katy feeling bad. She's a strong person for even being here, and telling us. I appreciate her. I admire her. 

The doctor reappeared, he knew we had to talk about something, so he left earlier. 
"She's still not awake. We're going to check for anymore bleeding. It doesn't look good" He said. Tears welled up and I felt a numbness. What did he mean it doesn't look good? 
"Wh-what doesn't look good?" Mom asked concerned.
"Well there is a high chance the bleeding will occur again." He said. 
"Ohmigod" Lana said as she covered her mouth with her hand. A tear slipped from my eyes. I turned to look at Katy, she was crying. I'm pretty sure she'd been crying for the whole time we were here.
"Can we see her?" I asked.
"Yeah" He answered while motioning us into the room. She lay there, peacefully. Her face pale and she looked like the life had been sucked out of her. She was completely motionless, besides her breath that she would take every few seconds. 
My heart broke into a million pieces.
I heard Katy beehind me. Her cry was the sound of true pain. Tears flowed down my cheeks as the girl I had grown up with was laying in front of us. I had grown to love the stuborn, cute, blonde girl. If I could spend the rest of my life with her, I would.  

Phew! That was a short one but I hope you are enjoying it! My friend Jasmine's here and she's been doing pictures of the characters I've chosen.
~Lana - Cobie Smulders
~Hayden - Jensen Ackles
~Katy - As herself
~Lauren - A young version of Zooey Deschanel

What are you're thoughts about these people I've chosen? Haha I want to know if they fit the characters perspectives. Oh Jasmine also sends a message out. "If I had a million dollars, I would by so many chicken nuggets and I would share them with everyone." 
I hope you carry on reading and have a lovely day! :* xxx

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