Chapter Fifty Nine: Thinking.

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~Katy's P.O.V~

I paced up and down holding my phone in my hand.
"Why won't she fucking answer!" I said distressingly.
"She'll be here soon Kate" Josh soothed.
I glanced over at Hayden who sat with his head in his hands.
"Hayden, do you know whats been wrong with her for the past few days?" I asked.
He looked up, his face filled with worry.
"She was sick, or something. And on the phone she was crying" He replied.
"And she didn't tell you why?" I asked.
"No, she didn't" He said, his voice was sad.

As I stood, re dialing Lauren's number again.
"Voice mail again, for fucks sake!" I yelled, my throat choking with tears.
I felt Josh's hands slightly rub my back. I wrapped my arms around his waist and dug my face into his shoulder, silently letting out tears.
What if something's happened to her? I thought to myself, making me cry even more.
"Its okay" Josh whispered. His voice calming me.

The sound of a cars engine in the driveway startled me, as I hoped it was her.
The door creaked open and a pale, drained looking Lauren walked in.
"Lauren!" I yelled as I ran up to her, holding her small frame in my body.
Her body heaved up and down as I realized she was breaking down in my arms.
"Oh baby I'm here!" I cried.
We sat in the middle of the lounge, just me and her. Josh must have taken Hayden into the kitchen or something. I didn't care, I just wanted to be with Lauren, my baby. I hadn't been there for her for most of her childhood, there was no way in hell I wouldn't be there for her now.

She clung on to my clothes tightly as she cried.
"It's okay" I whispered over and over again as I rocked her in my arms.

An hour went past, still holding her. I swear I never wanted to let her go.
Her cries slowed down as I sung quietly.

"Unconditional, unconditionally
I will love you, unconditionally
There is no fear now
Let go and just be free
I will love you unconditionally."

I sung over and over again.

She lifted her head, her hair was everywhere. I ran my fingers through it and put the messy strands back to where they were supposed to be.
"I-I've done something stupid" She said. Her voice weak. Tear still fell down her cheeks as she spoke.
"What is it?" I asked softly while wiping her cheeks.
"I-I" She stopped, her lips quivered.
"It's okay, whatever it is I'll be right by your side Lauren" I soothed.
She wiped her face with her sleeve before taking a few breaths and looking around to see if anyone was in the room.
"I-I'm Pregnant" She whispered. I could barley hear what she said, but I knew.
My stomach flipped, in a bad way and a good one.
"You-you're pregnant?" I asked quietly.

"Ye-yeah. I'm so scared" She said before breaking down again.
"Lauren, it's okay" I said softly.
My arms wrapped around her body, rocking her.
"It'll be okay, you have all of us here" I said before moving her to face me.
"I just, I don't know if I can do this" She cried.
"Darling, you can do anything. You're so strong. And if I could do it, I know you can. Look what I had, a beautiful baby girl that I loved more than anything, absolutely anything. I don't regret anything, except leaving you. I wish I had been there, watching you grow up. Trust me, you can do it" I cried with her.
She hugged me as we sat in silence together.
"I love you mom" She whispered.
"I love you too Lauren, I always will" I said as I hugged her back tightly.

~Hayden's P.O.V~

Josh had taken me out of the room as Katy and Lauren sat together.
"I think we should give them some time" Josh said quietly.
"Of course" I replied. I just wanted whats best for Lauren.

About an hour went by as Josh and I sat at the dining table. We talked about different things as we waited until they were done.
I heard Lauren cry a few times and it really broke my heart.
Finally the door opened and Katy stood, alone.
"Is everything okay?" Josh asked.
"It will be" She smiled faintly.
"Where is she?" I asked as I stood up.
"She gone to her room, she's exhausted." She replied.
"Can I go see her?" I asked nervously. I needed to make sure she really was okay.
"Of course, she needs you, she really needs you" She replied, making me wonder what she really meant by what she said.

"Lauren?" I whispered as I quietly knocked on her door. The door opened as she stood, before wrapping her arms tightly around my body.
"I'm sorry" Lauren whispered as she cried.
"Shh. It's okay" I soothed.
We sat down together on her bed. She looked scared, all I wanted to do was be there for her, make her not feel like this.
"What's wrong Loz?" I asked worryingly.
"Hayden, I-" She stopped.
I grabbed her hands in mine.
"I love you, no matter what" I said softly before placing a kiss on her cheek. She smiled faintly, it made me happy seeing her smile at least a little.
"I uh, I'm pregnant" She said quietly, barely making a sound.
"You're what?" I said, my heart beating faster.
"I'm sorry" She said, tears flowing freely down her cheeks.
"No, no don't be sorry" I said, grabbed her into me.
"It's okay, It's okay" I said.
"We'll figure something out" I added.

I held the girl I loved in my arms as she cried. I stared blankly just thinking, thinking that I'm having a child.
I'm having a child with the one person that means everything to me.

I know we're young, she's young. But I will never leave her, not Lauren.
I love her.

Thankyou for reading! Tell me what you think? :)

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