Chapter Fifty Two: Drunk in Love.

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Hayden held me as we stumbled back to Lana's. I think I was more intoxicated than he was, but I still slightly knew what was happening.
"What's the time?" I managed to mumble out as we walked.
"It's about 3am" He replied.
"Holy shit" I laughed.
We finally got to the house. It was completely dark, Lana must be in bed.
"I'm tired" I said a little too loud.
"Shhh" Hayden yelped.
"Sorry" I answered in a whisper.

The house was warm and still smelt like dinner was just made. Hayden flicked the lights on to his bedroom and led me in quietly.
I fell on his soft bed, it felt like the most comfortable feeling in the world. My feet were aching from standing up for hours.
I looked across at Hayden who was putting my bag down and getting pyjamas for me.
"You want yours or a shirt?" He asked, knowing that whenever I was over I would wear his shirts as they were too big for me.
"Shirt!" I said excitedly.
He threw one at me, I was too clumsy to catch it so it hit my face. All I could hear was Hayden laughing at me.
"Shut up" I huffed.
"Sorry just the look on your face" He laughed.
I picked up the shirt and threw it back at him when he was least expecting it.
"Okay okay" He said as I laughed. He walked over to me and pushed me over on the bed and tickled my sides.
"Ohmygod stop it!" I yelled in a whisper. But he carried on until I couldn't breathe from laughter.
It was silent for a couple of seconds before one of us spoke.
"Here" He smiled as he passed me the shirt.
"Thanks" I laughed. He got up and walked over to the other side of the bed as I undressed. I peered over at him and noticed he was watching me.
"Stop looking!" I yelped
"Sorry you just look amazing" He said softly. Making my heart tingle in a way that only he could do.
"Pfft" I replied.
I quickly threw the shirt over my head so I wasn't sitting in my underwear for any longer. Hayden chuckled as he sat down on the bed beside me. I pulled the duvet up over my legs as I hugged them.
"You feeling okay?" He asked as he did the same.
"Yeah, except every things spinning" I laughed.
"Ah yeah, same. Do you want anything?" He replied.
"Yeah" I paused. "You"
Hayden smiled widely before pulling me towards him. His lips came crashing down on mine, I felt the goosebumps on my skin grow all over my body as we entwined our lips together. His hands travelled up my back sending an electric feeling down my spine.
"I love you" He whispered as his lips brushed against mine.
"I love you too" I smiled, my face blushing. His hands travelling around my body and then down to my thighs.
I pulled his face towards mine as I placed my hands under his shirt, feeling his toned stomach. I pulled his shirt off slowly as he did the same to me, we moved quickly but romantically. My head was still spinning but all I could think about was him; how much he made me happy, and how much I loved him.
Our bodies moved in sync.
His lips traced over my stomach, driving me insane.
I slowly made my way on top of him, watching the smile on his face.
"You're beautiful, you know that right?" He said.
"Well I do now" I said jokingly in a country accent, mocking him.
He wrapped his arms around my bare back and pulled me into him even more.
"I love you" he whispered.
"I love you too" I whispered, but it came out more of a moan.

The sun broke through the blinds as my eyes painfully flickered open. My head instantly started thumping with pain. I looked over at Hayden who was still asleep, our naked bodies lying together felt like home.
I lifted my head up and looked around the room, it spun for a few seconds before focusing. 
"You're awake" Hayden murmured sleepily.
"Yeah I just woke up" I replied. I ran my hands through my knotty hair as my stomach flipped in pain. 
"Oh fuck" I yelped as I jumped from the bed and ran to the the bathroom. 
"You okay?" He asked.
"Ah ye-" I said in between vomiting everything up that I could possibly fit in my stomach and more; it wouldn't stop and the pain was excruciating and my throat burned each time.
I felt Hayden's hands rub my back, slowly soothing me. 
After what felt like hours I finally felt a bit better. My stomach ached and my throat burnt but I guess thats what you get for drinking to much right?
"Come lay down, you should rest up a bit" Hayden said as he motioned me back into the comfort of his warm bed.
"What happened last night?" I asked in confusion. All I could remember was dancing with Hayden and some others and then me and Hayden last night. 
"We danced, we drunk, then you drunk more and more" He explained. 
"Did I do anything stupid?" I asked.
"uh-" He started before I interrupted him with a yelp.
"What? What did I do!?" 
"Well you know how you and Katy had an argument" He said.
"Yeah?" I said motioning my hand for him to keep talking. 
"Well you were mad at her all night, and as you drank you started to say things; when one of her songs came on you lost control of everything" He explained. 
"Ohmygod no" I said in shock. I reached out and grabbed my phone of the night stand next to the bed. 
I had 4 missed calls from Katy and a couple of texts; I noticed my phone kept vibrating with twitter notifications, so I decided to check what was so important. 
"Lauren don't" He said as he jumped at me to get my phone off me.
"Why'd you do that?" I asked in frustration.
"Someone posted something, when I found out what they were doing it was to late" He said, his voice sounding disappointed in himself.
"Can I look?" I asked nervously.
Hayden passed me back my phone where I was about to witness something that would change my life, forever. 

Hope you enjoy reading my lovelies! Tell me what you think? Its amazing seeing your comments! Makes my day. 
So I'll most likely be carrying on this book for a while, I was originally planning to finish at chapter fifty but oh well, this may just have to be a long book. 
Will update soon! 
~Samantha Xox

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