Chapter Fifty: Holy Ground.

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~Lauren's P.O.V~ 

The sun light flickered quickly as I opened my eyes. I must have fallen asleep on the way home. As we drove we passed familiar houses and shops. Josh was driving and Katy sat in the front passenger seat.
"You're awake" Katy smiled.
"Yeah, I didn't even know I fell asleep" I chuckled.
Katy laughed with me.
I felt her soft blue eyes look into mine, they glistened with love; with a longing. She could finally breathe. She could finally live.
"You two hungry?" Josh asked.
"Yeah" Me and Katy responded in sync.
"Good, me too. Taco Bell good?" He laughed.
"Fuck yes" Katy yelped.
"Language Katy" Josh joked.

We pulled into the drive through, Katy put her ray bans on to be less noticeable. I watched as Josh ordered what seemed to be a lot, and I watched the girl at the window, her eyes glanced between us all. 
"That'll be $37.90 thanks" She smiled, still having her eyes glued to Katy.
"A-are you Katy Perry?" She asked; fear and excitement both present in the tone of her voice. Katy's mouth opened slightly but nothing came out.
I hid myself away, so I was unseen by her; I had forgot that the world didn't know that I was Katy's daughter, and I certainly didn't want this girl to figure anything out. 
"Uh yeah, she is" Josh answered before the silence got awkward.
"Ohmygod" the girl stuttered.
"Ca-can I have an autograph?" She asked nervously.
"Sure" Katy smiled.
I admired that about Katy; how much she really loved her fans.
She passed the autographed picture to the girl and smiled.
"Thank you so much. Thank you for staying Katy" She said sincerely.
"Thank you for believing in me" Katy replied softly.

We drove to the next window to get our food and then headed off home, finally. 

As we walked through the familiar doors of our home, I noticed Katy take a deep breath in.
"It's goof to have you home mom" I said as i wrapped my arms around her.
"Its good to be home" She sighed.
"Well it won't be home for too long" Josh said as he hugged us both. My eyes soon widened of the thought of leaving.


I grabbed my bag and ran to my room, ripping my phone out of my pocket as fast as I possibly could; almost ripping the fabric of my clothes.
I dialed his number and held the phone tightly to my ear.

"Lauren? Are you home yet?" He answered, sounding hopeful.
"Hayden" I said. But my throat got choked up with tears; Nothing could escape my mouth.
"Lauren? What wrong?" He said concernedly.
"Ca-can we meet somewhere?" I managed to say.
"Yeah of course, where?" He asked. I could almost see the look on his face. The concerned frown, the sadness in his eyes. 
"The beach" I said.
"I'm on my way. I love you Lauren" He said. His words calming me almost instantly.
"I love you too" I replied as more tears fell down my cheeks.
The phone then went silent. 

"Lauren?" A small voice said fro behind the door. I grabbed a jumper and wiped my eyes.
"Yeah?" I asked as I opened the door to face a concerned looking Katy.
"Whats wrong honey?" She asked; she could tell something was bothering me. A mothers instinct I guess.
"Nothing I just, I just have to go talk to Hayden about leaving" I said, barely holding in my sobs.
"Oh Loz" Katy said softly, giving me ease. 
"I know its going to be hard but its not like you'll never see him again and you know we will work things out right?" She explained.
"I know I know, it's just I wont see him as often" I said.
"We'll work something out Lauren, think of the good things" She said as we walked to the front door.
She was right. I had so much good things to think about and to look forward too. I'd always wanted to be back in Santa Barbara and I could still see Hayden, not everyday like I basically do now, but I'd see him enough. She was definitely right.
"You're right" I smiled.
"I always am" She laughed.
"I love you mom" I said as I buried myself into her warmth.
"I love you too Lauren, now be back before dark okay?" She said in seriousness.
"Will do" I laughed.
"And please make sure you rest" I said, with the same serious look on my face as hers; which made me laugh inside.
"I will, I'll be sitting on the couch drinking a glass of wine with your dad" She explained with a chuckle.
"Good" I smiled.
"Good" She smiled back, her perfect row of teeth showing, reminding me of how perfect she really is.
I closed the door behind me, watching Katy as she watched me; her loving eyes watching my own. 

The sky was a peaceful blue, little spots of white indicating the fading clouds being blown into nothingness. 
As I walked and walked I eventually started to hear the sounds of the crashing waves against the shore. 
My phone buzzed in my pocket.
*Where abouts are you?* The message read.
*Nearly here* I replied quickly.
I walked across the road, dodging the cars and the people. Until I saw a figure I knew to well; the one I could find in a crowd of a million people.

"Hayden" I yelped. My vision blurring from the tears I struggled to hold back. I watched as his figure slowly spun around; it truly felt like I was in some sort of movie.
"Lauren" He whispered loudly. 
I ran into his loving arms; stealing as much warmth from him as I could. All I wanted was to be with him forever, I never wanted to let him go. 
"Are you okay?" He asked concernedly as he placed his hands on the side of my face, giving me tingles down my spin.
"Uh yeah, sorry about the call earlier I-" I said before I was interrupted by Hayden's lips on mine; our heads moving together. It was perfect. We fitted together like a perfect puzzle piece.  

After being embraced in his warmth for what felt like eternity, which I didn't want to leave; we headed over to the bench that sat looking over across the beach. The sun had just started slowly sinking back under the world, getting ready to leave us in darkness. 
"So how have you been? How's Katy?" He asked as his hand rubbed my back, giving me a comfort that I couldn't explain.
"Good, and good" I laughed. 
"But every things changing" I added, my voice softening into a quieter tone, realizing that I had to tell him. 
"Every things changing?" He asked in confusion.
"We're moving to Santa Barbara, permanently" I said. I looked at his face, how happy he was not long ago; now all I see is a sense of sadness.
"Moving?" He replied softly.
"Apparently Katy wants a new start with the both of us she never thought she'd get back" I explained.
"Yeah, its a good idea, I mean as long as you're happy there" He said; his eyes glistening in the setting sun.
"I will be, I mean I don't want to be so far from you. Its going to kill me" I said.
"But she did say she's going to make it so we see each other often, like I can come over and stay with you and Lana for a bit and then you can come over and stay with us, and when I get my license I can come all the time" I smiled as I noticed listening to Katy's advice and thinking positively does actually help. 
Hayden's fingers entwined with mine as he smiled. His head slowly gazing across at the beach; I did the same, wondering what he was staring at; realizing the view was breath taking. The sun had lit up the sea, giving everything around it a gold glaze. 
"It's beautiful" I whispered to myself.
"So are you" Hayden whispered; barely enough for me to hear, but I did. I gazed my view on him; taking in all his features. The way his eyes sparkle in the sun light, the way his smile melts me inside, the way his touch feels like perfection, the way I love him.

My hands slowly made their way across to the side of his face, pulling him into me; not forcefully but enough to know what I wanted. I wanted him. 
As our lips crashed together in perfect harmony; his hands gripped on my shirt pulling us even closer. 
And right there, where we sat was holy ground.

He held my face in his hands as we caught our breath.
"Yeah there is no way in hell I can go for long without seeing you" He laughed.
"me too" I laughed with him as we held each other. 
I noticed that the sky had started to turn a shade of purple and blue as the sun was disappearing. 
"Ah shit, I have to be home before dark" I said as I looked around. A bird quickly swept above us, flying around in the colors of the sky, then settling down on a tree nearby. 
"Come to mine, I know mom really wants to see you" He said.
"For the night?" I asked.
"Yeah, if you want" He smiled.
"Yeah I would love too!" I said excitedly.
"Can we quickly go to moms, I need to get a few things" I added.
"Of course, I'll come say hi to Katy" He said as we both stood up; hand in hand while we started to walk back the way I came not so long ago. When the sun was out and people were everywhere to be seen.

Small update. Sorry guys for the wait! I have good news! I may be making a sequel to this book! :) What do you guys think about that?
Thankyou for reading my loves! 
~Love Samantha Xox

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