Chapter Twenty One: Crashing to the ground.

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~Lauren's P.O.V~

"Do you guys want a drink or anything?" Katy asked as we walked through the kitchen. 

She had a large kitchen, the walls were painted a white creamy colour but the jug and toaster were blue. Other little matching things were placed around to make it look classy.

They gave the room detail and suprisinlgly the curtains matched too. Deffinitly wasn't what I thought her house would look like.

"No I'm fine thanks" Hayden answered Katy. They both seemed to notice I went out of my thoughts for a little while.

We walked over into the living room and sat on her cream and chocolate brown coloured couch. The room was amazing.

A large window with an amazing view of half of California made it bright and open. There were flowers placed in pretty coloured and patterend pots.

"It's such a nice place" I said as I kept looking around, after all the talking I was still so nervous, so sared. 

"Yeah it is" Hayden smiled. He looked at me and noticed I was uncomfortable. 

"Thanks" Katy smiled as she stood up.

"I'll be right back" She added.

"Okay" Hayden smiled back.

"Are you okay?" Hayden whispered as he sat down next to me and grabbed my hand. As soon as I felt him next to me I felt better. I smiled.

"I am now" I replied quietly. He lent towards me and pecked my lips. I didnt want him to stop. He chuckled as I kissed him back more. 

We quickly parted when we heard Katy walking down the hall. 

She walked in holding a box, It was about half the size of a shoe box. From what I could see there were little hand painted bunnies, and a pink ribbon was wrapped around it.

Katy pulled the small coffee table closer so she could put the box down. No one said a thing as we just watched her slowly and nervously open it to revel what looked like to be a pile of pictures. 

I quickly glanced over them, i noticed they were mostly pictures of a baby, and Katy. The little baby she was holding was wrapped in pink, and snuggled into Katys body. 

I was completly overwhelmed with all these pictures.

I picked a few up with my shaking hands. The first one was Katy, She looked heavily pregnant at the time.

But she was so young, she was only a little older then me now. It shocked me.

Another picture was of a few people gathered around Katy while she was holding the baby, she was holding me. That little baby. She was me. 

A sudden storm of tears flowed down my cheeks as I looked at the sheet of paper I held out in front of me. I read the printed black letters, I felt my heart shatter into a million tiny pieces.

I hadn't noticed Katy was crying, and Hayden had

his arms wrapped around me, trying to soothe me, but I continued to choke on my tears.

I rocked back and forth as I couldn't think properly, I couldn't see and all the words Hayden was saying were slipping from my ears.

All I heard was my heart crashing to the ground, and then the tears would follow. 

~Hayden's P.O.V~

"Shhhh You're okay" I soothed, I repeated it into her ears. She was breaking, I couldn't bare to see her like this.

I wrapped myself tighter around her, it was the only thing I could do to help her.

I looked over at Katy who was doing the same, my heart hurt watching two people who meant a lot to me break down.

And I couldn't do a thing about it. Whatever I said woudn't help, how much I held Lauren woudn't fix it. Nothing would. And that hurts.

There was a knock on the door, Katy quickly jumped up and answered it, everything went silent, all i could hear was Laurens sobbs that never seemed to stop. 

"Shhh I'm here" I said as I kissed the top of her head. I continued to hold her.

Katy's sobbing got louder as she and someone I didn't really recognise walked into the room. 

The girl looked about Katy's age, she had long wavey brown hair and she did look familiar as she got closer.

"I'm Shannon" She smiled.

"Hayden" I nodded. 

She held Katy in her arms as Katy cried, and I held Lauren. 

Lauren slowly stopped crying, she had fallen asleep in my arms. We spent about an hour soothing them, by the time Lauren was asleep in was 10pm. 

Shannon and Katy had fallen asleep not long before, and my eyes were getting heavy. I moved around a little so Lauren and I could get a little more comfy.

Soon enough I drifted into a deep sleep.


Hey kittens! Sorry about the wait! My iPads broken so it's hard for me to write as often. Hope you enjot this small chapter, will update asap. Thanks for reading my lovelies! Comment what you think and dont forget to vote!! :* :) Xxo


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