Chapter Thirty Two: Cold and Broken.

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~Lauren's P.O.V~

*knock knock*

"I'll get it" Katy shouted from the main room.

I was in the bathroom getting ready to go into town with Katy. From what I could hear Bonnie and Shannon had just arrived and were talking to Katy.

"Ready yet Loz?!" Katy shouted from the main room of the hotel.

"Yeah, coming!" I replied as I put my make up bag away and headed out of the door.

Soon enough we were all out and in the car ready to set off. I had a feeling in my heart that grew concerned when I saw Katy's face. Obviously today is not going to be the best. there were probably going to be many tears shed.

As I sat and thought about it, it made me think of Hayden. I couldn't speak to him until tonight. I missed him so much.

"Right are we ready?" Katy said as she started the engine. Her face was pale and her voice was soft.

"Yeah let's go" Shannon replied trying to cover up the fact that everyone of us knew the sadness that was about to overcome her.

~Katy's P.O.V~

I looked over at Shannon who was sitting in the passenger seat beside me, she gave me a concerned look. I understood what it was about. She could feel the pain, and she could obviously see it start to show.

Bonnie and Lauren were in the back talking about music. 

After letting the engine of the car start for a few minutes we headed off onto the road. It was about a one hour drive, maybe more depending on the traffic heading into London's town square.

The drive was mostly filled with silence besides the muffled sounds of the radio and Bonnie and Lauren's occasional conversations.

Hearing Lauren's voice relaxed me, although I was practically dying inside, just knowing she's with me now makes it a lot easier.  Thank you god for bringing her to me, I thought as the pain got worse as we got closer to the lawyers office.

 "Turn it up! Turn it up!" Lauren yelped from the backseat. I laughed and turned it up. It was Ellie Goulding with I need your love. For the next three minutes all of us sung loudly and ended up laughing more than singing. 

"You're great at this!" I laughed at Lauren.

"I know" She scoffed jokingly back at me.

Finally we pulled into a free parking space and the car went silent.

This was it. 

The day I had dreaded.

The day I didn't want to face.

We all hopped out of the car. I cleared my throat and dusted off my creased clothes. 

"Are you going in by yourself?" Shannon asked softly. 

"Uh I don't know." I replied. I wanted Lauren with me. She was the only one who could keep me sane. Although I loved Shan and Bonnie to bits, Lauren was mine, my daughter. I need her. 

"C-can I come?" I heard a quiet voice ask from behind Bonnie. 

I smiled.

"Sure honey" I said. My voice went weak. 

"We'll go to the corner cafe just down the road okay? You can come meet us there afterwards, unless you wanna go straight to the hotel?" Shannon asked.

"Uh yeah, I'll text you if I want to go straight away" I fake smiled.

"It'll be okay, I love you and just call me after and I can come kick him in the balls" Shannon said as she hugged me tightly. 

"Thank you" I laughed. I had to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall already.

Bonnie came and hugged me and said pretty much the same thing. Gosh where would I be without those two. 

My phone vibrated in my pocket before checking what it was. I was surprised to see that Johnny had texted me.  

*Hey KayKay. Wishing you the best today and call me as soon as you can okay!!?? I'm back in Cali so when you come back we need to have a dmc night!! Love you gurl! Stay strong! Xxoxox*

I felt tears well up as I pushed them back. I am so absolutely grateful to have friends like these.

*Hey darl! I will and Ill let you know what happens today. Can't wait to see you when I get back which will be in a few days. Got a lot of things to talk about!! :o Love you! Mwah! :* XOXOX*

I replied. 

We waved to Bonnie and Shan as they headed off in the opposite direction. 

"Ready?" I turned to Lauren and said. My voice was shaky. I couldn't help it.

"You'll be fine" Lauren said as she grabbed hold of my hand and sqeezed it tight. She smiled up at me and motioned me to go on. God I love her. My child, my baby.

We both walked along the pavement, the houses and shops were all brick and evenly spaced across each other. It was only about three blocks down before we stopped in front of another brick building. It looked exactly the same as all the others, but it wasn't. He was inside. He is going to break my heart once again, but this time I know its coming.

Lauren looked up at me and gave me a smile that warmed my cold and broken heart.

Lauren stepped forward and opened the door. She knew I had no intention of wanting to step into the building.

A little bell rang as the door opened slowly, there was a staircase straight ahead leading to the lawyers office. Plants in decorated pots were in each corner below the stairs. 

Lauren's hand was still in mine as we walked slowly up the stairs. There was a cold draft that sent shivers up our spines. 

As we got up the stairs there was a corridor with two doors on each side and one straight ahead. Small signs hung with names written on them. I got out the sheet of paper with the address on it and read the name of the lawyer I was going to see. Lauren looked over my shoulder at the name then pointed at the far door at the end.

As we got closer I read the name and Lauren was right, it was the name printed on the sheet. I gulped as I looked down at her.

Both her hands took mine and she held them in hers.

"I know you can do this" She smiled. "I have faith in you" She added.

I looked down and blinked back the tears.

"Thank you" I whispered as my voice croaked.

She grabbed me and pulled me into her for a hug. A feeling of love and safeness spreed through my body.

"I'll be right next to you the whole time" She smiled and then motioned towards the wooden door that stood before us. 



Please enjoy this and the next chapter is going to be saaad :( but anyways have a lovely day or night! <3 Mwah! :* Xxxxxxxx


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