Chapter Eight: Stressed.

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Katy's P.O.V

The sun glared through the blinds. I removed the blankets over my legs and sat up. My eyes were still tired. I didn't have a good sleep last night. I couldn't stop think about Lauren. How I'd left her 16 years ago. Would she forgive me? Would she hate me? 

"Morning" Lana said. I jumped to her voice. I was to consumed in my thoughts to notice that she had come down the stairs and started making a coffee. 

"Morning" I replied with a faint smile.

"Sorry did I give you a fright?" Lana asked

"Yeah, I was to busy thinking to myself" I laughed. Lana chuckled. 

"Do you want a coffee?" She asked.

"Uh yes please" I answered. "2 sugars, and milk" I added.

"Okay cool" She answered as she was pondering in the kitchen. 

"Morni-" Hayden said as he jumped when he saw me sitting on the couch. 

"Ohmigod I completly forgot you were here." He added as he laughed. I joined in and laughed. 

"When are we seeing Lauren?" Hayden asked Lana.

"We'll head off at about 9ish. Is that okay with everyone?" Lana replied as she looked at us both.

"Yeah, perfect" I smiled. 

"Cool" Hayden added. 

After we sat and drunk out coffee's we all got ready to go and see Lauren. We had no calls yet so hopefully nothing had happened. 

I got changed into a simple dress with daisey's all over it. I brushed my Black hair, it was short, it went just past my shoulders. I put a small bit of make up on. And now I was ready to face the hospital for another day. 

Haydens P.O.V

I sat out on the couch waiting for mum and Katy. Girls take forever to get ready. I had a gut feeling Lauren was going to make it. She was the strongest person I know, she has to right?

"Okay I'm ready" Katy said as she came out. She was wearing a floral dress. It suited her really well. 

"Just waiting for mom now" I said. "Why does it take so long for girls to get ready?" I asked as i laughed,

"Well we have hair and make up to do, and we have to make sure we feel comfortable in what we're wearing" Katy explained.

"Exactly. You said it right Katy" I heard from up the stairs. Katy chuckled. 

"Finally" I said as mom walked down. She was in a dress too. It was just a simple plain red one though.

"Right lets go" Mom answered as she picked up her car keys from the bench top. 

We all hoped into the Rav. 

After the 20 minute drive of silence. It wasn't an awkward silence but it wasn't comfortable. 

We walked through the doors and and mum spoke with the reception people. 

"Ohmigod is that Katy Perry?" I heard someone ask. Everyone looked around but we already headed down the corridore before anyone else noticed her. I walked next to her to cover her from the people that were walked past. 

"Ah ha. Room 27" Mum said softly. 

We all walked in. Lauren lay in the same position as she was in yesterday. She looked better, she wasn't as pale. 

"There was no disturbances last night, she's been sleeping this whole time. I think she'll be ready to see if she can do it on her own." The doctor explained.

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