Chapter Thirty Four: Promise Me.

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~Katy's P.O.V~

My lips curved into a smile as I repeated what she said in my head. All the pain and hurt that I had felt finally drifted to the back of my thoughts as I thought of Lauren. 

She had called me mom and meant it. 

Soon enough I fell asleep holding her body in mine.

"Katy, Katy" Shannon whispered.

"Uh yeah?" I said as I forced my eyes open. 

"We're here" She said.

"Oh okay" I replied as I looked over to my side where Lauren was fast asleep while gripping onto me. 

"Loz, we're here" I whispered as I shook her gently. She stretched but didn't wake up a bit. 

"I don't think I can carry her" I said to were Bonnie and Shannon still sat in the car.

"I can" Bonnie answered. She got out of the car and opened up the side where Lauren was. She gently moved her over and picked her in in a bridle style. Lucky Lauren was small, but with the energy I had I couldn't even pick myself up.

Shannon and I got out of the car. She came up beside me and helped me walk. I felt a sudden rush of emptiness as I remembered. I quickly pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind. 

Shan opened the door as we waited for Bonnie to go in first. I noticed something on Lauren's thigh and I came closer.

"She's bleeding" I said panicky as Bonnie placed her down on the couch. I pushed the fabric of her dress up to where the bleeding was coming from, there were glass fragments still in the gashes. 

"Can you go get the first aid kit please someone?" I said, my voice tired but rushed as I couldn't bare to see Lauren hurt. 

Bonnie came back with the container of medical supplies, I then dabbed the gashes with antiseptic wipes. I could tell it must of stung, she wriggled around until she finally woke.

"Wha-what are you doing?" She said nervously as she moved her legs so I couldn't see. 

"You're bleeding, you must of got glass in your thigh" I answered, I was a little shocked to see her reaction. Her face went pale as she inspected it herself. 

"Oh yeah" She replied.

"Come here, I haven't finished yet" I said.

She did as I said but kept quiet, maybe she was still half asleep I thought.

I folded her dress back up, but a bit further this time, not knowingly. I gasped at what I saw. Just a little bit further up than the gashes I saw what looked like deep scars, there were many of them.

Lauren just looked down at her hands.

I carried on putting band aids on the now treated gashes. 

As Bonnie and Shannon left the room I decided to talk to her about it. 

"Lauren" I said softly.

She looked up and looked questioningly at me.

"I know it's probably none of my business but please, please don't do it ever again" I said.

"Do wha-" She paused.

She quickly brushed her dress back down covering her now cleaned thighs. 

"It was a long time ago" She said simply.

"I know. But please, when everything gets too tough, please promise me you'll come talk to me?" I said hoping she would listen. 

"Okay, I'm sorry. I promise" She replied.

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