Chapter Eighteen: Fearless.

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~Hayden's P.O.V~

I sat as I watched Lauren, she had fallen asleep. Making herself tired with all the crying.

There was absolutely nothing on TV so I went on the computer.

I chatted to some old friends, and some of Lauren's. They had asked how she was. Of corse I lied, I couldn't tell them anything about what had happened. Especially to Ruby.

Ruby was Lauren's best friend, and one of mine too. She had such a bright and kind personality that everyone got along with. And she was a huge Katy Perry fan. What a coincidence.

This was the first time in weeks that I had spoken to her. She went to Australia for a holiday during the break.

It was a quick conversation but I'm glad I could talk to her, and tell her that when she gets back, her and Lauren definitely need a girly day or whatever they do when they see each other.

As I shut the computer down I heard the door open.

"Hayden come help with the grocerys" mom yelled.

"Coming." I replied

After coming from the car to the kitchen with multiple bags of groceries a couple of times, we finally managed to put everything away.

"How longs she been asleep?" Mom asked.

"An hour or two" I replied.

"Is she okay? I mean I hope everything's not to heavy for her. I feel for that girl, I hate seeing her upset" she said in a sad tone.

"Uh she'll get there after everything's sorted" I said.

"Hopefully" she added.

"Oh I uh heard from Katy earlier. She wants to see Lauren" I explained

"That's good. What did Lauren say?" She said.

"Uhm well long story" I said as I filled a glass with some water. "We just have to give her time, but hopefully they'll see each other soon, and talk." I added.

"Yeah true. Well she has you, I don't think she'd be here without you" mom smiled. I laughed and smiled back.

I looked over at Lauren who had finally woken up.

"Do you want a coffee or tea?" I asked.

"Coffee would be nice" she smiled. Her weak frame picked herself up and walked over to where me and mom stood.

"Hiya Hun" mom smiled at Lauren.

"Hi, how are you?" She replied back.

"I'm good, and you?" Mom asked.

"I'm fine thanks" she replied as she smiled and looked at the floor.

God I wish I couldn't tell, I wish I couldn't tell that her 'fine' didn't actually mean fine. I knew her to well.

She didn't want to be here, if she could, she would sleep forever. And that broke my heart, seeing her like this. It wasn't the same sadness she had before when she lived with joe.

She was lost. So lost.

~Lauren's P.O.V~

Hayden had a look of concentration on his face, he looked like he was in deep thoughts. I just hope I'm not causing him and Lana to much grief.

The thought made me mad, and sad. I just appreciate them so much.

"Thanks" I smiled as Hayden passed me a warm cup of coffee.

"No problem" he smiled back.

His smile was so perfect. It lightened up the room.

"I spoke to ruby earlier" he said.

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