One Year Old pt.2.....17

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"Hey guys," Sarah says shaking Marley and Sam gently. " You have to get up,"  the couple slowly opens their eyes. 

"What?" Marley mumbles sleepily as her eye adjusts to the lights. 

"You guys have to get up, people will be here soon," At that her eye opened wider.

"What?" Marley asks standing up. " How long have we been asleep?"

"A few hours," Sarah says as Marley turns to Sam to get him up. "You two were out when Buck and I got here and we decided to let you sleep,"

"But we still have stuff to do," 

" I found your list," Sarah says as Sam finally wakes. "Buck woke Drew up from his nap, I made sure Rye and Alex did some of their homework when they got here, and currently Bucky is out with all three kids getting the last couple of things you needed,"

"God Sarah you're a lifesaver," Marley sighs as Sam rubs his eyes. 

"What's going on?"  He asks looking confused between Marley and Sarah. Marley rolls her eyes before grabbing Sam's arm. 

"Come on we need to get dressed," 


"Hey you guys are awake," Riley said to her parents as she walks into the living room Alex followed behind with Drew in his arms. 

"Hey baby," Marley greets turning around to see Riley. "Hi Alex," She says with a smile as Alex gently swings Drew around in his arms like he's flying. Alex immediately stops cradling Drew back in his arms safely when he was addressed. 

"Hi Mar," he says with a smile. Riley takes her little brother out of Alex's arms before placing him in his baby jumper. (Not 100% sure this is what they're called but google said it was so...) "So when is everyone getting here?" 

"Well, the food's done, Sarah and Buck are here, so I'm going to say the Stark army plus Peter will be here in about 25 minutes. Your Aunt Nat maybe thirty seconds, yellow brick Rhodes probably with the Stark's making sure Tony's on time even though they will still be late," As if on queue the front door opens and in walk Natasha. 

"My favorite Wilson!" She shouts walking into the living room. 

"Auntie Nat!" Riley shouts back opening her arms. 

"Out of the way little Wilson," Nat says walking past Riley to where Sam and Marley were standing his arms around her waist. "You," She says pointing at Sam. "Get your hands off my woman," Sam chuckles but backs away anyway moving to his daughter's side. 

"Look at them," Riley pouts watching as Marley and Nat hug each other. "They just push us to the side," 

"Trust me, once you've been on Nat's bad side you won't be complaining,"

"Вдова" (Widow) Bucky greets walking into the room.

"Солдат" (soldier) Natasha replies with a small nod, Marley moving back to Sam's side.

"я больше не солдат, Романов" (I'm not a soldier anymore, Romanov)

"Значит, слухи верны.?" (So the rumors are true) Natasha asks walking around Bucky. "почему мы говорим по русски?" (Why are we speaking in Russian?) Nat asks just noticing the switch to her second language.

"я люблю возиться с детьми. посмотри на них, они до смерти напуганы," (I like messing with the kids. Look at them they're scared shitless.)Bucky replies nodding to where Riley and Alex were standing next to Marley and Sam. This caused Marley to send two pillows flying his way both smacking him in the head. 

"Stop messing with the kids Barnes," Marley says using her powers to pick the pillows back up before going to great the Starks who just let themselves in.

A/N: Hey yall, sorry for all the radio silence, and the really bad chapter. This has been half-written for the past month or so, but I didn't want to take the time to re-write it... I am going to be getting back into the swing of writing, the kids are going to be growing up over the course of the next couple of chapters. 

It's sad to say this, but we will have to say goodbye to this story soon :( It has been so fun to read you guys' comments and to write all of this. So far I have stuck Phoenix and Little Miss Perfect into my drafts, I think having them in the same AU is going to be too difficult without a normal posting schedule and as of ever, I don't have that. So there will be some changes to those, I am also thinking about starting a different story in a different fandom... idk

I hope you all have eaten and drank some water today. You are all amazing people and I love y'all so much. ~M  

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