Chapter 66

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Jason's pov

I was helping Max with the to do list of things to get ready for the new charity organization we started. We decided to call it, "Lifting Up Lives!" We had to rent out a second building which now houses the 15 to 18 year old kids. The hardest part is most of them have alot of pent up anger just like Miranda had when she was a kid. Alot of untrusting issues. That sorta thing. I hope we can make a difference in these kids' lives. The place is open to adoption as well but most don't get adopted sadly. I haven't totally retired from music but I've definitely decided to put it on the back burner. I haven't been on a tour in 7 months. I'm not sure how to break it to Mike and the guys in the band. But hey we'll burn that bridge when we come to it. It took a few hours of me and Max putting every kid's name in the computer. There's 140 kids in just Nashville alone that are orphans and over the age of 15. To be honest, it's heartbreaking. Just then, I get a text from Jeremy asking if we could go out for dinner tonight. I have been up here for a few hours. It's 4 o'clock. "Hey Max, I think I'm gonna call it a day. Gotta get home and feed the kids." I say, standing up. "Ok see ya sometime soon." He said, still buried in paperwork. Man. This is alot more work than I thought it was gonna be.I get home and round up the family when Miranda calls. "Hey hun what's up? How're the babies?" "Cranky." She says, instantly. "Hey Garret is asleep for work but I really need wipes and baby powder, any chance you could pick some up for me?" "Sure hun. We're heading out the door now to grab supper." I gwt jeremy and Memphis loaded up. "We gotta make a pit stop at thr grocery store." I drive to the nearest Target ans text her asking what kind of diapers she wants me to get. As I walk towards the store, I hear the sound of a baby crying. I look around confused and see a little kid maybe 2 or 3, crying and locked in a car. Shit! It's like 100 degrees out here! "Boys go back to the truck and wait with your mom." They do as told. I rush into the store to tell someone who works there. They try announcing for the owner to come to the desk but a few minutes goes by and I'm getting even more nervous. I rush back out there. The kid looked beyond overheated. Shit. I gotta do something. I bust the passenger window and open the door. I get back to my truck and Britt saw what was going on and brought over a water bottle. The poor kid drinks it extremely fast. "Babe call Max." I say, turning the a/c up. The little guy was still crying and hyperventilating. She called Max and then the police. This mother is gonna have hell to pay when they get here. "Hey you take the boys and get the wipes and baby powder, I'll stay here til the cops and Max get here." She hugs me and I take the little boy inside. Just then the cops arrive. "How is he doing?" The lady at the desk asks. "He's really overheated." I set him on the counter and the woman puts a fan on him. Finally I hear a furious woman ranting about her broken car window, but not about her missing son. The police officer puts her in handcuffs and starts reading her rights. "I'll take the boy with me until this shit is handled." Max said, nodding to the officers. "Is he gonna be alright?" I ask worried. He nods. "You got to him just in time. Another half hour like that, he'd probably be dead." Max says, shocking me. Poor kid. At least I was able to bust thr window and get him out. I can't stand people who do shit like that.

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