Chapter 8

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*2 years later*

Miranda's pov

I sat at my desk and started working on my English essay due Friday. Dad said he had some news to tell us today. I wonder what it is. Maybe uncle Danny is coming for a visit. It's been a while. I hear mom call my name. I go downstairs where Chris was already.  He had been watching Pinocchio by it was paused. Dad nods to the couch beside my brother so I sit beside him. "We have some news." He says. "We're fostering more kids." My eyes go wide in surprise. "I've really gotten involved in this stuff." Chris smiles. "When?" "She'll be here in a few days. Now this girl was kidnapped and she's been in Mexico for six years. She doesn't speak a lick of English." Wow. He hands me a Spanish English dictionary. "I'm hiring a tutor to help her learn English while the agency searches for an adoptive family for her." I smile. I love my awesome dad. Chris gets off the couch and hugs them. "I wanna be just like you when I grow up."


Dad said I'm sharing a room with her. "What's her name?" I ask, while cleaning out a drawer for her clothes. "Sabrina." He says. "I'm glad you're okay with this." He says. I smile. "I love that you're doing this, dad." He smiles and hugs me. "I'm so glad you and Chris came into my life." "I love you too, dad." I say happily.

*A few days later*

Jason's pov

We go to the agency to pick her up. Her social worker introduced us in Spanish. Luckily I have a translator. "Tell her that she'll be sharing a room with my daughter." He relays the info. I'm hoping the tutor will be able to help. "Sí. Gracias." She says nodding. "Dey Nada." Brittany says. I smile. "Vamos a casa." I try to say which if I said it correctly translates to let's head home. I'm gonna have to memorize Spanish. At least until she grasps English enough. I text Miranda telling her we're on our way home. It takes 20 minutes to get home and when we do there's a banner that says, "Welcome" in Spanish! Along with balloons and cupcakes! "But who-" My mom walks out of the kitchen smiling.  "La familia?" The little girl asks, grabbing my sleeve. I glance at Britt, unsure of what she said. "It means the family." She whispers, looking through a Spanish English dictionary. "Oh. Sí." I say. She smiles. Miranda and Chris walk over. Chris gives her a cupcake. "Beinvenida Estra casa." Chris says. "What's that mean?" I whisper to Britt. "Welcome to our home." She says handing me the dictionary. "Learn it." She says, making me laugh. The girls start talking in Spanish then they each get a cupcake and go upstairs with Chris. "Well she fit right in." I say smiling and resting my hands on my hips. "Yeah. She sure did Jay." Brittany says smiling back at me. "Why're you lookin' at me like that for?" "Oh no reason." She says. She giggles slightly and suddenly a pie slams into my face! Huh?! I spun around to see Danny! He busted out laughing and I shove him backward. "Stay down, turkey." I say smirking and placing my booted foot on his chest. "And just in time for Thanksgiving." I roll my eyes. "Quiet you or I'll stuff you and hang you over the mantle." "Ha, you aren't even allowed to hang trophy animals." He says laughing. I shake my head. "I choose not to." Brittany walks over smiling. "It's all about compromise. Isn't that right?" I say smiling. "Right babe." She says wiping whipped cream off my face and kissing me. "Ha! Brittany and Jason sittin' in a tree. F U C K I N G!" "Hey!" Me and Britt say at the same time. Mama hits him over the head with a plastic spatula. "Watch your tongue, boy. There are kids in this house." I say, trying not to laugh at how mom hit him in the head. "You're still my son and I will wash your mouth out with soap!" She says making us all laugh. "Yes mama." He says, smiling too. I put him in a headlock and noogy him. "Hey!" He gasps breaking free. "Chokeholds are illegal asshole!" Mama raises the spatula warningly. He jumps back! "Sorry." He mumbles making me laugh."He's crazy." Britt says laughing. "Well he is my brother." I say smiling proudly.

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