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I sit on the toilet not worried about anything.

"Okay, but Opal, what if you are pregnant?" Avery paces back and forth.

"We will figure that out when we get there." I shrug. "I'm not pregnant."

"Opal!" I hear Drew shout.

"You can't leave." Avery warns and I roll my eyes and leave the bathroom.

I walk back downstairs,

"Drew?" I call out, no answer.

"Asshole." I hear Drew's voice in the kitchen. I make my way in there and I see Drew sitting on  the island chairs. Sawyer is holding an ice pack over Drew's face. He's laughing hysterically.

"What happened?" I rush to Drews side.

"Ask Sawyer." I see blood dripping and I grab a kitchen rag. I hand it to Drew who holds it against his mouth.

"We were training. He thought he could high kick at me. He ended up just twisting and missing and fell face first into the cement." Sawyer says in between laughs.

"Always trying to show off." I shake my head, "let me see." I move Sawyers hand. Drew's face is scratched and bruised. He has a busted lip and I can't help but slightly giggle.

"Sawyer, can you replay what happened?" I ask.

"Your boyfriend is a douche. He moved out of the way and I ate shit." Drew groans in pain when Sawyer presses the ice pack into his cheek.

My eyes widen at Drew saying boyfriend. Do I deny it? Do I ignore it? Did Sawyer say something?

"I did no such thing." Sawyer feigns innocence. Sawyer ignores it so I ignore it.

"Well now you can't go to sleep for at least an hour because you hit your head." I warn Drew and I turn to Sawyers, "And you have to watch him."

Sawyers face falls, "What, why me?" Sawyer complains.

"Yeah, why him?" Drew complains beside him.

"Me and Avery are busy." I shrug. "You're the doctor Sawyer. Help him." I deadpan.

"He will be fine. He just needs Advil." Sawyer rolls his eyes. "He's being dramatic." And right on cue Drew groans in pain.

Sawyer snaps his head to me, "See."

"Just watch him okay. I'll be back."

"Wait," Sawyer says. He walks me out into the living room,

"You okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, why?" I question.

"Time hoping. I know you hate it." He says and I shrug it off.

"Im just glad you got what you needed. I was getting worried that maybe I'm going to die." I whisper my concern.

"Would never let that happen." He rubs my arm soothingly and I nod.

"I know." I say even though I'm not sure I know.

"They know about time travel." He says, almost worried.

"They were reading the energy spikes. They weren't there because we stole something. They were there because they were following you." He says and my eyes widen.

"What happens if we jump again?" I question.

"Im not sure they have the technology to catch us." Sawyer shrugs, unbothered. "It's just good we know to be one step ahead of them.

"Right. What about Tod, will he be arrested?" I question and Sawyer chuckles.

"No, everything goes back to normal. Like we weren't there, remember." Sawyer says and I nod.

ELUSIVE (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now