Chapter 122

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Question for you guys! Do you want Kirra to be a contestant in the Goblet of Fire?

Kirra listened for a few moments more but when she heard mattheo's voice she let out a small sigh and got up, tiptoed to the compartment door, and slid it shut, blocking out Malfoy's and Mattheo's voice.

"So he thinks Durmstrang would have suited him, does he?" Hermione said angrily. "I wish he had gone, then we wouldn't have to put up with him." Kirra raised her eyebrows at Hermione's rare outburst of emotions

"Durmstrang's another wizarding school?" said Harry. 

"Yes," said Hermione sniffily, "and it's got a horrible reputation. According to An Appraisal of Magical Education in Europe, it puts a lot of emphasis on the Dark Arts."

"I think I've heard of it," said Ron vaguely. "Where is it? What country?"

"Well, nobody knows, do they?" said Hermione, raising her eyebrows.

"Er — why not?" said Harry.

Kirra spoke up, looking between the Gryffindors, "There's traditionally been a lot of rivalry between all the magic schools. Durmstrang and Beauxbatons like to conceal their whereabouts so nobody can steal their secrets," Kirra nodded her head softly, that was how it had always been for as long as she could remember.

"Come off it," said Ron, starting to laugh. "Durmstrang's got to be about the same size as Hogwarts — how are you going to hide agreat big castle?"

"But Hogwarts is hidden," said Hermione, in surprise. "Everyone knows that . . . well, everyone who's read Hogwarts, A History, anyway."

"Just you, then... and Kirra im assuming since she seems to know pretty much everything," said Ron. "So go on — how d'you hide a place like Hogwarts?"

"It's bewitched," said Kirra. "If a Muggle looks at it, all they see is a moldering old ruin with a sign over the entrance saying danger, do not enter, unsafe."

"So Durmstrang'll just look like a ruin to an outsider too?"

"Maybe," said Hermione, shrugging, "or it might have Muggle repelling charms on it, like the World Cup stadium. And to keep foreign wizards from finding it, they'll have made it Unplottable —"

"Come again?" Ron asked and Kirra couldnt help but roll her eyes, Ron really wasnt the sharpest tool in the shed

"Well, you can enchant a building so it's impossible to plot on a map, can't you?" Hermione spoke

"Er . . . if you say so," said Harry.

"But I think Durmstrang must be somewhere in the far north," said Hermione thoughtfully and Kirra nodded her head in agreeance. "Somewhere very cold, because they've got fur capes as part of their uniforms."

"Ah, think of the possibilities," said Ron dreamily. "It would've been so easy to push Malfoy and Riddle off a glacier and make it look like an accident. . . . Shame Malfoys mother likes them. . . and you." Ron said and Kirra just rolled her eyes at the boy

"If you'll all excuse me," she muttered out softly and then stood up, not waiting for a reply and she made her way out of the compartment and into the halls of the train. She set off, trying to find Theodore. She was making sure she didnt bump into any people standing in the corridors and she was doing well until she ran into something hard.

"Shit sorry," Kirra muttered out as she reached down to the ground and picked up the books and food that the person that she had run into dropped.

"Thats some language that you dont expect from a Hufflepuff," Her head shot up and she had a giant grin on her face as she looked at the person she had bumped into and noticed she was now face to face with Jasper Rowle.

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