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K a r l ' s  P o v

"x-rays scare me."

"what– that's so random." i laugh a little.

"hey i'm nervous man. i'm sorry.. i didn't expect to be sitting in an airport with karl jacobs." avery shakes slightly.

"is there anything you'd like me to help with? or is it just the nerves getting to you?" i ask looking at her.

"i think i might need some water.. i can go get some it's okay." avery stands up but i grab her and i stand up.

"sit down and stay with our stuff, i'll be right back." i smile and i grab my phone.

"thank you karl." avery smiles and looks down.

i walk away and towards one of the food places here, looking at my options. i flew down to meet with avery and to meet luna's mom. i texted avery on instagram and we ended up planning things a bit ago but we thought today would be perfect to surprise luna.

*previously in the day*

"i'm almost at your house. does your mom know i'm coming?" i ask avery on the phone.

"mhmm.. i can't believe i'm going to meet you." avery said in a shaky voice.

"haha i'm excited to meet you! luna always talks about you and how she misses you. i'm here also.. with the bench on the patio?" i park the car.

"yup, i think i see you. oh my god it's you. okay i'm hanging up and coming outside now." avery hangs up and i smile to myself.

i get out of the car and the front door opens and there stands luna's younger sister just staring at me like i'm not real.

"hi avery!" i smile and wave to her.

"i swear i'm dreaming.." she says.

i walk closer to her and i open my arms up and she runs into them, hugging me tightly. i smile and hug her back, realizing she's like luna's height. we pull away and avery even looks like luna, but she has longer hair than luna.

"my moms inside. i can't believe this is real.." she mumbles.

i smile and i follow her inside. i close the door behind me and i take my shoes off, placing them down beside other pairs of shoes. i follow avery and we go into the kitchen where her moms stands.

"mom, this is karl jacobs. the one luna loves." avery shows me off.

"are you sure luna is the one that loves him? you talk about him all the time and how much you love him–"

"okay mom!! don't expose me." avery covers her face.

i chuckle and i walk towards the mom and i hold my hand out.

"hello ma'am! i'm karl jacobs. i'm close friends with luna and nick." i smile brightly.

"i'm sarah. it's nice to meet you karl. i'm sorry but you said you are close withs with luna and nick.. is the nick your talking about nicholas? brown hair, friends with luna as well?" she asks.

"yes you are correct. we are close friends. we have a few pictures together if you'd like to see." i smile pulling my phone out.

"sure, i would love to see." she walks over.

i pull up some pictures of nick and i together and i could see sarah's expression soften at the sight.

"he's still the same as always.. he's grown up so much." she smiles.

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