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A v e r y ' s  P o v

being with my sister and people i love to watch on youtube was something else. i'm sitting in the living room with my older sister to the right of me, next to her is her almost boyfriend karl jacobs.. THE karl jacobs. sitting on the chair closer to karl was childhood friend and famous bitch nicholas– or sapnap. and lastly, on the chair closer to me, faceless leo minecraft green blob man dream himself.

"we should watch moana instead. i'm not in a scary movie mood." dream suggests, stuffing fries into his mouth.

"i've been wanting to watch that movie with you but you kept saying no to me!" nick then shouts at dream.

"we can watch it. i love that movie so much.. i love the rock very much as well." luna smiles and finds it on netflix.

"i'll probably be singing along and if you guys don't join me i'll be very disappointed." karl points to all of us.

when he faces me and points to me, i point back and we just hold eye contact until we broke it by laughing.

"oh! we should stream tomorrow and avery can meet tommy, ranboo and tubbo!" dream snaps his fingers smiling.

"so what i'm hearing is i'll be featured in the streams? solid." i smile widely, making everyone laugh.

"you will definitely be featured in streams. i can let you talk in a call with the teenagers and let you play minecraft or something. let your play bedwars." dream looks at me, still smiling.

"i'm horrible at bedwars oh my god." i laugh.

"probably better than luna." karl snickers.

"no way!" luna turns to karl and swats his head.

i just smile seeing my sister being comfortable and happy with people. she was never the best at making friends, couldn't be me– but seeing her laugh and just completely be herself was really nice to see. luna puts moana on and she stands up and starts to walk away, making karl stand up and run after her. she heard him running behind so she ran away and karl came flying after her. you could hear stomping and then laugher broke out from down the hallway.

"when do you think they will start dating?" nick leans over, catching mine and dreams attention.

"not sure, i'm hoping soon because they are already acting like a couple." dream shrugs.

"i think he's going to do it soon since we talked a bit about it before flying." i tell them.

"will karl ask luna or will luna ask karl?" nick questions.

"luna will ask karl. that's what i'm thinking." dream nods.

"what? no. karl will definitely ask luna out." nick shakes his head.

"why? luna is like in love with karl and you see that look on her face when she's talking to him or just looking at him? she's mesmerized by him dude!" dream whisperer shouts.

"but have you heard karl talk about luna? that dude would marry them if he got the chance. and the way he also looks at luna makes me jealous to have someone THAT in love with me." nick also whisper shouts.

i stare at the two boys arguing, causing me to chuckle. dream and nick ended up disagreeing with each other and i just laughed at them because they sounded so dumb. we could hear luna and karl coming back so they put an end to the conversation.

"we brought blankets!" luna smiles brightly.

"that's where you went!"

"avery i'm giving you this one since it's special and i remember you always stole it from me." luna hands me the best blanket ever.

"no way! you still have this blanket!" i stand up and grab it.

"of course! why wouldn't i not have it? it's such a good blanket and the memories." luna smiles and hands out more blankets.

i set the blanket down and i wait for luna to finish passing blankets out. she was in the middle of turning around while i wrapped my arms around her to give her a hug. she did not hesitate to hug me back which made me hug her even tighter.

"any tighter and i'll explode!" luna mumbled to me with a clear smile on her face.

"good." i smile into her.

we pull away and she sits down next to karl and i sit down as well, wrapping myself up in the best blanket ever. luna was covering herself up when karl wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close to him. she looked up at him with a smile and he smiled just as brightly at her. it seemed like they've been together for years with how they look at each other. it's gross but at the same time, pretty cute.

"oh i totally forgot to turn the lights off." luna facepalmed.

"i got it." dream stands up and flicks them off, making the room dark.

i smile and i get comfortable in my spot and i look around the room again, just observing everything and taking a mental photo. dream and nick were wrapped up in blankets on the chairs like they were little kids. luna and karl are all cuddled up next to each other under two blankets, looking like the couple that never has anything wrong. i'm laying here with all of them watching a movie. i still can't believe it.

"gosh this movies animation is so nice.." karl says randomly.

"marry it then." nick smirks to himself.

i could see karl react but he just shook his head with a smile. we all stopped talking for majority of the movie besides the parts where there were the songs, we obviously singed along and danced in our seats. i could feel myself getting tired and i saw nick was already asleep on the chair. i couldn't see if dream was sleeping or not but he wasn't moving around a bunch anymore so i think he might've passed out as well. i look over and i see karl is struggling to stay awake and luna is long gone.

"do we call it a night?" i yawn to karl.

he looks over at me and he nods. i stretch and stand up, looking over at karl who was gently getting up and setting luna down on the couch, trying to not wake her.

"i'll wake the boys up. luna forgot to give you a little house tour so i'll show you in a second." karl whispers to me.

i just nod and watch him wake the boys up calmly. he was whispering to them so i wasn't sure what he was saying. nick stood up stretching and dream was just yawning. they both grabbed their things and cleaned up a little before giving karl and i hugs since they wanted to go home.

"drive safe. text me when you guys get home since luna is passed out and won't be on their phone." karl opens the door for the boys.

"we will. bye karl, bye avery." dream smiles sleepily and walks out the door.

"i'll talk to you more tomorrow. bye guys." nick follows after dream.

karl waits for them to get in the car before he closes the door. he locks it and looks back over at me and smiles.

"i'll show you where your room will be for now." he yawns.

i follow behind him and he takes me to a bedroom that is all set up and cleaned up. i look around and i smile when i see certain pictures hanging up on the walls.

"this will be my room when you go back home but for now i'll be sleeping in luna's bed with her so you don't need to worry. i'll grab your stuff from the living room and bring it in for you. i'll be right back." he says with his small smile on his face.

he walks out of the room and i just walk towards the bed. i sit down and it's one comfy motherfucker. i smile and sigh as i lay back and i feel my body relax.

"hey now, no sleeping yet. you aren't in comfy clothes. just get dressed and then you can fall asleep. i'm gonna bring luna to her room and i'm gonna head to bed as well." karl comes in and sets my things down quietly.

"you are awesome karl." i smile at him before he leaves.

"i just want my people to be happy." he smiles and closes the door behind him.

streamers (karl jacobs x female character)Where stories live. Discover now