Chapter 36: The Perfectly Wrong One

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Yoongi and Taehyung walked downstairs to the basement. 

They passed the doors with interrogation rooms that Taehyung already knew and reached the doors at the far end of the corridor. They were made of steel and had three cyfric locks.

'I will go first...' Yoongi said sternly. He held the trace with one hand and typed the code. 'I don't care what You want, I need to make sure he will eat...'

Taehyung knew that his hyungs were really angry with him right now. But honestly - he didn't care. He could only think about Jungkook's pain at this point.

'I can...'

'No, You can't!' Yoongi interrupted him angrily. 'Because he specifically told us to not let You know. He didn't want to worry You. But You are stupid enough to risk burst of his hormones, and we are to tired seeing him in this state year after year. He was our little one a long time before You showed up, so You will calmly stay here until I come back or go fuck yourself...'

Taehyung tamed his wolf, which instantly wanted to show his dominance. He was restless. But he understood. Yoongi was right. They didn't try to hurt Jungkook. He took a deep breath.

'Yes, hyung. I'm sorry.'

'You better be...' Yoongi nodded, opened the door to the dimmed room, and closed it instantly after entering.

But this one minute when the soundproof doors were opened he heard whimpers full of pain and needed to punch the wall, to stop himself from barging in. Jungkook was suffering. Oh God... he was hurting so much just behind this wall...

The time ran like a snail. Taehyung was counting his own heartbeats to somehow calm himself down. He was worried sick. He didn't really thought about sex. He just wanted to stop the hell Jungkook was going through right now...

He heard a click and Yoongi showed up. With trace almost as full as before. He glanced at Taehyung uneasily and gripped the trace harded.

'I talked with him... He doesn't want to see You...' He said straightforwardly.

Taehyung blinked.


'You heard me right...'

His first reaction was the sudden pain. But then the anger came. What the fuck?!

'I'm sick of him playing the martyr!' Taehyung greeted his teeth. 'I'm going in!'

Yoongi was looking at him intensely. They exchanged a million thoughts.

Finally Yoongi moved, and Taehyung grabbed the handle. When he disappeared inside the room Yoongi sighed and gulped anxiously, when he thought about all the things that could go wrong there.

In the wolves' world there was no place for anyone but 'mates' during ruts. How did Taehyung want to handle this? Even if he was the strongest alpha around... Showing his dominance around Jungkook in rut, could only cause him more pain...

Jungkook was staring at the ceiling trying to calm himself down. He was focused on breathing. In-out. In-out.

How many hours have passed already?

He didn't know.

From the moment he ran to Namjin's bedroom, his mind was just full of pain. The last good thing he remembered was Taehyung's voice singing him a song...

Besides that he had just flashes of Jin's tearful eyes, when he was tying his hands with silky straps to the bedpost. Or Namjoon helping him to wear delikate shirt and pants made out of byssus.

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