One: The Attack

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2021...Ministry Of Magic

I looked with dread on the calendar for today: September 19th, my 42nd birthday. Gods, I'm old. I didn't look old though, as I put on my tailored dark robes, and put my wavy chestnut hair in a fashionable French bun, and put on some tasteful makeup. Anyone who thought to look at me would think I was in my mid twenties, so that was a welcome by product of being a witch: a long life span.

I twisted my cheap crystal engagement ring around on my ring finger. I could slip it easily on and off, the marriage enchantment null and void on it, due to my marriage to Ronald Weasley ending in a nasty divorce two years ago. Still, I wore it as a reminder to myself to never ever compromise on love, especially to insecure mommy's boys like Ron Weasley.

Once I was ready to go, I apparated to the Ministry of Magic from my posh penthouse in London. I greeted everyone politely no matter their rank, or blood status, and most of the staff thought I was a breath of fresh air, because Fudge and Scrimgeour always looked down their noses at everyone.

I got to my office, and looked over my itinerary for the day; it was all very cut and dry, and just dull. The usual hearings, meetings, and press statements about Dolohov and his gang picking up where Voldemort left off, the meeting with the auror department head Harry Potter himself. Okay, the last meeting would be a welcome change of pace, but that was only because we were best friends. Still, we could not afford to be anything but professional these days, because of our careers.

I heard a knock on my office door, and I called out, "Enter."

Parvarti Patil poked her head in. "Are you doing anything for lunch? It is your birthday, after all."

I grinned, but continued to write out my report to each head of magical enforcement about the importance of tightening security around the Ministry. When I was done, I sat back, looking at Parvarti's wicked expression.

"First, don't remind me," I said. "Second, I don't have plans. I am absolutely swamped with work. This new deatheater regime is growing in strength, and people are scared."

Parvarti smirked, "Uh huh, and that's all boring political crap I don't want to hear about. Come on, Hermione, it's your birthday! You know, the big 4 2. You should take a personal day and go get laid or something."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Who? I'm divorced from Ron. All of his remaining brothers has someone, and you're making me nervous looking at me like that, Parv."

Parvarti giggled, "Why not...Harry? He's become quite easy on the eyes, and who is gonna care that the Minister of Magic is screwing the Head Auror?"

I laughed, blushing, "Oh wow, you really have gone off the dead end, Parvarti. Harry is like my brother. Yes, he's cute, but it wouldn't be right."

Parvarti frowned. "Sorry. But you really should get out more."

"You might be right. But duty calls. What do you have for me, Secretary Patil?" I asked.

Parvarti handed me the files on Crouch Junior and Lucius Malfoy, who were set to go on trial next week. I rubbed at my dry eyes. "I can't imagine having to act as a witness against my own father," I declared. "Draco already has disowned him, and buried himself in his work as a healer, but the records show that the court will be calling on him as a witness any way."

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