Thirty-Eight: Farewell To Pythia

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Two weeks after the announcement of the Tri Wizard Tournament, Harry set Pythia free in the Forbidden Forest. Draco had wanted to go with him, but he decided it would be better to do it by himself. Coincidentally, it was during a full moon so he was able to see her as her witch self, and like him, she had grown older. Tom whispered suggestions in his ear, and Harry blushed at some of them, but then figured what was the harm? He had been experimenting with Tom in his dreams for months now, and besides him teaching him advanced spells, Tom taught him to kiss and he was learning to please.

"Just remember that a witch's body is slightly different," Tom instructed in his last dream. "They are softer, and require a bit more...finesse you might say. We wizards are easier to pleasure, but like you, I do enjoy girls a great deal."

Harry kissed him softly. "I don't want to say goodbye to Pythia, though. She's my best friend."

Tom caressed his cheeks softly, kissing him tenderly. "I know, darling. I love Nagini the same way. But if I regain my body, you might not want me."

Harry scowled, "That's not true! You would only be ugly on the surface! I blame my foster parents for that. They just...they don't understand the good work we need to do, the need to prune out the old to make way for the new order."

Tom nodded. "I know, but plans are in place for us to be together, just you wait."

"But when? When?!"

"Soon, Harry, dear, soon."

The dream faded after that, and Harry had tears in his eyes. He buried his emotions deep down, though, because no one would understand. Who possibly could? They weren't the Chosen One, after all?

He held Pythia's hand in the forest, and she turned to face him. "Be careful of Tom Riddle, Harry. He's dangerous, you must see that."

Harry mentally waved away her warning. What the hell did she know? "I will be careful. But, you told me once that you would kiss me."

Pythia cupped his cheek in her hand. "I did promise that, but if I'm not to see you any more, I want to give you something that witch you are dating might be too shy to give you."

"And..." He swallowed past the lump that had formed in his throat. "And what is that?"

She took off her old fashioned Slytherin uniform, and his eyes went wide. Her hips moved sensuously as she walked towards him, and Harry felt his pants getting tighter. She kissed him eagerly, and he kissed her back, his tongue finding hers easily as he ran his hands up and down her lithe, slender body.

Her skin was slightly scale-like in texture, and as he began to kiss down her neck, and back to her lips, she whispered in his ear, "Let us make magic tonight, my darling. I am fertile, and I have so wanted to hatch young with our shared blood."

Harry drew back. "B-But they will have your curse if you had young from us doing....that."

Pythia smiled, licking his bottom lip. "Mmm, yes, but such young they would be. It is not unheard of for parseltongue wizards to mate with witches of my affliction."

Harry knew he should refuse, but at this point, he didn't care. Let the rest of his school year live in ignorance about girls, he wasn't going to be one of them. He removed his outer cloak, and Pythia undressed him. She took over, letting her lick and kiss him in places he never thought would feel good, and she showed him what to do with a witch's body. She showed him how to make a witch cum, and when he entered her for the first time, the sensation was almost too much, it felt so good, that tight, wet heat clenching his dick. She spread her legs wider, and moved her hips to encourage him to move in and out of her.

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