Sixty-Five: Meeting Dorian

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Younger Hermione

Just before the start of term, Aunt Hermione went into labor and produced Dorian. Sebastian was overjoyed to have a younger brother, and so was Severus. Harry and Daphne visited the hospital with their baby James, and Draco arrived with Astoria and his parents. Narcissa had a black silk scarf wrapped around her neck, and seemed quite distracted, but she was happy to give her well wishes to her friends.

Uncle Lucius seemed distracted as well, but was trying not to show it. Hermione was the last to see her older self, and that was because she wanted to see her in private.

"Shut the door behind you, pumpkin," She instructed. Hermione did, and her older self adjusted her hospital gown to better guide her newborn baby to her nipple. He took some coaxing, but eventually he fed.

Hermione sat down in her visitor's chair. "What's wrong?"

Aunt Hermione sighed, idly stroking Dorian's dark brown hair. Unlike Sebastian, Dorian had brown hair so dark it was almost black, and his eyes were his mother's as well. But, his complexion matched Severus's perfectly so there could be no doubt of who his father was.

"I want you to do what you can to fight Dolores Umbridge this year," Her older self admonished. "The last time, Harry, Ron Weasley, and I formed Dumbledore's Army, which was a secret DADA club to help us learn defensive spells, and to help us pass our OWLS. Harry is the last horcrux, and I suspect that Voldemort will do all that he can to ensure that he regains control over Harry's mind and heart. I don't know what role Dumbledore has to play in all of this, but my time is growing short."

Hermione felt tears threaten to fill her eyes. "I...I thought you and Severus were happy, that you have your two sons, and all that. Where will Harry and I go if you like...well, go off back to 2021?"

Aunt Hermione gently patted Dorian on the back to burp him, and he burped a little. "Here, hold him a bit while I button up this stupid thing."

Hermione did, and marveled that one day, this little one would be hers. She still found this time travel thing to be a bit strange, but she had grown used to being raised by her older self by this point. Her Aunt buttoned up her hospital gown, and she put the baby in her arms.

"I would imagine that things would progress as they should," Her Aunt answered. "You and Severus will eventually marry, have children, starting with Bastian and Dorian, and graduate Hogwarts normally if all goes well. I--"

There was a commotion on the other side of the room, and Narcissa popped into the room along with a very handsome dark haired man she had never seen before in her life. "I'm sorry, Hermione. My..." She blushed, "My new suitor, as it were, insisted on seeing you two. He said it was something about a time divergence or what have you. I'll let Angel explain."

He kissed Narcissa's cheek, and whispered something in her ear. She grinned, and left the room. He shut the door behind him, and looked at them both, his blue green eyes piercing them both.

"Ah, one witch existing in two separate timelines," He finally surmised. "I have seen it before. Fortunately, my Order can assist in assisting young Potter in resisting the influence of this derelict wand user."

Hermione spoke up, "And we're supposed to trust you automatically, is that it? I don't even know who you are."

The man smiled, and Aunt Hermione gasped when she saw his fangs. "You're a vampire, like, one of the Imperial Princes, aren't you?"

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