Seventy: An Impromptu Veela Claiming

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The invitation to go to dinner in London came as a complete, but not unwelcome surprise to Fleur as she was finishing up her midterm exams. Her courtship with Lucius Malfoy was progressing nicely, and it was most proper, and they went on lovely dates while they could. But beyond that, it was nice to simply get to know him as a person, and he was surprisingly nicer than most people gave him credit for, not even, she strongly suspected, his own family. The two Hermione's were busy in their own right, Harry Potter was busy with school, and raising his own son with his girlfriend.

However, there was the problem of this vampire who was with Madame Malfoy. How serious were they in their intentions for one another? Lucius was disturbed by the vampire, but Fleur assured him over and over again that Narcissa was an adult and could take care of herself.

"I know, cherie, I know," He had said, "But even before our parents forced us to get married just after graduating from Hogwarts, we were friends for years, and I just want Cissa to be happy..wherever that happens to be, and with whom."

Fleur had hugged him, and he had embraced her back. "I know. No matter what happens between us, I want us to be friends beyond us being mates, and...well, I think that I am growing more certain that I want us to be together soon."

Lucius brightened up at that. "Are you certain, Fleur? You don't have to just say that to appease me."

Fleur shook her head. "No, no, I was being completely sincere. I want us to be together as mates, just...soon. I think we will both know when it is time."

Lucius had kissed her inner wrist. "Yes, yes, of course. Good night, ma Cherie."

"Good night, Mon Cherie."

They had parted on excellent terms, and so they continued to court. A museum tour here, a ballet, an opera, or play there. Sometimes, they spent hours just strolling through places like Hyde Park, walking hand in hand, their fingers intimately laced together as they talked. In her most private moments, Fleur had to admit to herself in her heart of hearts that she was more than attracted to her veela mate, but that she was falling in love. The only thing she was scared of what if Lucius didn't love her back? What if when she admitted that his very presence made her heart soar that he didn't feel the same, or worse, that he was just as devoted to his wife as he always was?

Fleur patted her now huge pregnant belly. She was in her eighth month, and already she wanted this kid out of her. She tried not to grow too attached to this little one, but it was hard at times, because it was a part of her. She was living in a fairly nice apartment in London, and while she exchanged letters with Daphne Greengrass often, she got the feeling that things were unsettled to say the least back at Hogwarts. Her university was walking distance to her apartment, but even so she used their floo network often due to her condition.

She was just putting in her earrings when she heard her doorbell chime. She opened it, and Lucius was on the other side, looking most disturbed, but no less fashionable as he held a red rose in his hand.

"May I come inside, darling?" He asked.

Fleur nodded. She let him inside, and removed his coat for him. She hanged it up in the coat closet, and she finished putting in her simple pearl stud earrings.

Lucius was sitting at her black grand piano, and was idly playing some morose tune she had not heard before. His hair was down, and she gently brushed it back, and tucked it behind his ears as she sat beside him on the bench. His long fingers continued to play its haunting melody. When he was done, Fleur politely clapped. "That was lovely."

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