Seventy-Seven: The Dark Corridor

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I led the way to the Department of Mysteries door, my wand lit in front of me, just as my group had theirs lit as well, because the hallway was pitch black at this time of night. I knew that during working hours, the Unspeakables kept some lights on, but at this late hour, it was like walking into complete darkness, which was a bit spooky.

Harry walked beside me, and confessed, "I'm kind of scared right now."

I smiled at him. "I am too, kiddo. Believe me."

I took out a map, and Luna moved forward to light it for me. "Nice. It's like the Marauders Map, isn't it?"

Dots with names were moving in the upper levels, but a small group led by Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix LeStrange broke off, and were heading this way. I smirked. "Keep your wits about you, the main bitch I am after is heading this way."

Neville nodded. "For me too. I want her to pay for torturing my parents to insanity."

I handed the map to Luna, and put my free hand on his shoulder. "And she will be. If it is in my power to kill her, I will. I promise you that, Neville. I am going to take a page out of my husband's book and see how she likes having a deatheater's curse rip her to shreds."

Pansy grinned. "Damn, I knew I liked you. Your Aunt is so cool, Potter. But then again, I expected Snape's wife to be cool."

I put a finger to my lips, and found the correct door. I took the map from Luna, and whispered, "The Hall of Legilimency. Great, just great."

"What's wrong?" Harry whispered.

"When powerful legilimens and Seers die, sometimes they decree in their wills that Unspeakables can study their brains for magical research. In my time, Ron Weasley nearly got strangled to death by one of the brains in the tanks. Do you remember the number your prophecy crystal is located at?"


"Good. You will listen to it. But, I warn you, it is not good news," I warned.

"I figured it wouldn't be. Still, thanks for the heads up, Aunt Hermione," Harry understood.

Harry opened the door, and immediately, a gust of wind blew all of us into it, and there was a vacuum of air that lifted us up, but then it abruptly cut off, and I cast, "Descendo."

Everyone else copied me, and we landed smoothly. "Let's never bungie jump like that again," Blaise Zabini remarked.

I smoothed down my suit. "Agreed. Let's go."

I pulled out the Unspeakable designed map, and deduced that the locator room was to the right of us. I used the map as a guide, and found the door easily enough. I stuffed the map back in my right pocket, and turned the gold door knob; it turned easily enough, and the room beyond was a brightly lit space where it took a while for our eyes to adjust. I noticed a keypad, similar to a digital tablet, and I scrolled down the list on the touchscreen surface, and found the Prophecy Room. I input the code on the keypad: 140972.

The room turned around several revolutions before a numbered sign, like an EXIT sign, showed up. I smiled. "Thank you, Bastian."

Harry asked, "What was that?"

"Nothing. Just thanking my son for being an Unspeakable," I replied.

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