Seven: Making The Report

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Once he returned to Hogwarts, the dour Potions Master located his pensieve easily enough, and poured in Hermione Rosier's memories. He was taken through her life at Hogwarts, how she went on many adventures as Harry Potter's best friend, and from her fifth year on, crushed on Severus personally; that infatuation had been tarnished somewhat with the death of Albus Dumbledore her sixth year on the Astronomy Tower, because his godson Draco Malfoy couldn't kill his Headmaster, it seemed. She suffered at Bellatrix LeStrange's hands while Lucius and Narcissa did nothing, and wouldn't help a muggleborn witch in any case. Then the memories showed his death at the Dark Lord's hands...her anguish at not being able to save him from bleeding out from Nagini, his pet anaconda, ripping his throat out violently. She then was voted in as the first muggleborn witch to become Minister of Magic, and how Draco saved her during one of the deatheater trials she presided over.

Severus couldn't speak for a long time, he was too shocked. Her "Niece," was actually her past self, and she had taken Harry Potter under her wing to save him from his abusive muggle relatives. She was his damn student! She had loved him for years, and made her move to pursue him when she was old enough, and it wouldn't be passing strange to anyone. But still...gods! He couldn't imagine what she had gone through.

He tucked his pensieve away, and taught his classes. After the dinner feast, Dumbledore summoned him to his office.

"I trust you have some more intel on this mysterious witch who has kidnapped Harry Potter," The Headmaster remarked. "The Unspeakables wish to interrogate her over this time paradox that has arisen with her arrival."

Severus maintained his outward stoicism. "You yourself have used time turners in your time. I fail to see how this one witch should concern you so."

"It's because she has Harry!" Dumbledore shouted, slamming his fist on the desk like a petulant child. "I have been trying to get the Weasleys to ingratiate themselves to the boy for weeks now, and they report that he cannot be found."

Severus let him sweat it out a bit before he sat down in one of the guest chairs, crossing his foot across his knee. "You are right about her being a time traveler, and apparently, she said as much to me that she wishes she had her previous authority to send you to Azkaban."

His blue eyes went wide. "Good gods, she's not one of Riddle's is she? You haven't said a word either yea or nay about that, Severus."

Severus shrugged his shoulders. "The boy is being well looked after, and he likes her. He even has her Niece to keep him company, and if I didn't know she was Miss Rosier's Niece I would have called her her daughter. So, I fail to see what the issue is."

Dumbledore rolled his eyes. "I needed him vulnerable, and under his squib Aunt's control. You know the words of the prophecy. Harry is merely a means to an end. And what exactly does this girl mean to you anyway, Severus?"

This was it, this was the moment he knew whether he was going to stay loyal to Albus Dumbledore or not, and he knew what to do next: "That is my business. You have your own to take care of. Namely, a certain stone?"

Dumbledore settled down. "Yes, yes, the Philosopher's Stone. It's all settled, Hagrid saw to it as he noticed this Rosier witch interact with her Niece and Potter's son in The Leaky Cauldron. Is there anything else you can report on in regards to this witch?"

"None whatsoever. Now, I do have papers to grade, unlike you, some of us have jobs to do," Severus answered. "Good day, Headmaster."

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