Seventy-Eight: Harry's Last Stand Off

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Time revolved around itself when Hermione went back to her timeline in the future. But yet, Bellatrix LeStrange was still dead, and Neville Longbottom seemed torn by what he did to the dark witch, ultimately. His godfather Sirius Black was still out there, and he had to find him. But first, there was the problem of Tom Riddle, his once shadowy subconscious lover who was ultimately responsible for Cedric Diggory's death, his parents deaths, and so many others he couldn't name.

Luna held the map from future Hermione, and said, "Harry, I think we have company."

Angel looked at the map. "Yes, my lady, you are correct. Trix, will you provide us cover?"

Trix, the purple and black shapeshifter elf mage smirked, "Yep, just one question: is it a coincidence the blonde witch looks just like Olivia?"

Angel scowled, "No. Just please do your job, Trix."

Trix laughed, "That's what I thought."

Malfoy rolled his eyes. "You do know the girl's father is my cousin, right?"

Angel shrugged his shoulders. "If she is my wife in another form sent by the Eldar, we will both know in due course. Until then, watch and learn, wand user."

Harry forced his attention back to the present. They all made it to the upper levels of the lobby, and that was when Voldemort appeared at the head of more deatheaters. But the deatheaters were more concerned about the fire breathing dragon burning them to ashes. Voldemort looked....handsome, and normal with his dark hair and face intact, but his eyes burned red hot, and he was not pleased to see Lucius Malfoy with him.

"I see you have turned many of our own school House against me," Tom declared, producing his bone white wand. "Well, I think we deserve to stand off man on man, as the filthy muggles say."

Harry agreed. "You're right. Your move."

Voldemort cast the killing curse just as Harry tried to disarm him. He vaguely saw Dumbledore arrive via the floo network, with a battered Sirius Black limping by his side. Lucius Malfoy seemed to explain things to him, and Sirius tried to get at him, but Dumbledore seemed to understand, "...No, it''s part of the prophecy. He has to do this."

Harry turned his attention back to his opponent, whose only connection to life was the horcrux part of him that only he carried.

Harry produced his wand. They circled one another, and cast harmful spells at one another, but they didn't seem to have any real effect. Harry glanced at Angel, and he said to him mentally, ("Use the power I know you have inside you, Harry. The true power of a mage does not rely on that stick in your hand.")

Harry let Voldemort disarm him, and a split second as the Dark Lord cast the killing curse, he concentrated on the innate magic of the Ministry of Magic itself, of the centuries of accumulated power. Harry closed his eyes briefly, and then Harry pushed the feeling of power he felt into his enemy. He made a slashing gesture, and Voldemort's head disconnected from his shoulders.

Harry fell to his knees, his vision blackening as he felt his breathing come in harsh gasps. I'm dying, He realized. The horcrux! Whatever mage lore I is killing me! Harry felt himself fall to the stone floor, and then he felt no more until his eyes the Great Hall of Hogwarts, and his parents were there in front of him at long last...



The blonde pureblood wizard saw the Dark Lord bleed out as his head separated from his neck. Did he need to use his time turner? Was this what Hermione Snape referred to when she said that he would know if he ever had to use it? Dumbledore released Sirius Black from his grip, and Sirius checked Harry Potter's pulse. Remus Lupin began crying, but Black's grief was heartwrenching because he was cradling the boy in his arms and was screaming as he sobbed.

Luna Lovegood knelt down to smooth Potter's hair back from his forehead. The lightning scar faded, but the teen wizard boy did not move, or show any signs of life. The vampire Prince whispered something in her ear, and she cried in his arms as he embraced her. The other Slytherins were sad, but only his teammates were truly saddened by the loss of the famous Boy Who Lived.

The aurors arrived, along with Minister Fudge via the floo network, and his shock at seeing Harry Potter dead was genuine.

"W-Who murdered Harry Potter?"

Lucius pointed to the bloodied deceased corpse of the Dark Lord. "Voldemort himself, Minister. They murdered each other, none of us had anything to do with it."

"How about you, vampires? Did you kill him?" Fudge demanded.

Angel kept a stoic expression, and for the first time, Lucius saw the family resemblance between him and Severus. "I would never dream of harming my brother's foster son."

Luna sniffled, and declared in a surprisingly adult, lilting voice, "He is being most truthful, Minister. You are addressing an Imperial vampire Prince. Now, please stop questioning him."

Angel kissed her cheek. "I appreciate the vote of confidence, Luna."

Lucius cleared his throat, "All of us here can testify that Harry Potter died at the Dark Lord's hands. They killed each other, as the prophecy predicted."

The aurors confirmed death in both corpses, and concluded that both wands committed the deed. Fudge sighed, "You will give your statements, and will be free to leave. But not Sirius Black, he is still a convicted felon."

"I think you will find in Crouch's office files which prove otherwise, and Black's memories themselves," Lucius continued.

"And I will testify to that as well," Lupin put in.

"Very well," Fudge decided. "Go give your testimonies, and be on your way. Save Black, until he is proven innocent, we must keep him under auror custody."

Sirius grumbled, "Fine. I don't care, nothing matters anyway."

Sirius was led away in chains, and everyone was questioned thoroughly. Lucius caught some hell for his deatheater involvement, but he wasn't charged with anything due to using his influence as a school governor. The rest of the kids were sent back to Hogwarts, but Luna Lovegood stayed with the vampire Prince, and his crew. Lucius went to Fleur's, and relaxed in his wife's arms all night....


The prophecy was fulfilled, Harry Potter, and the despot was dead. Life would go on, it did go on as Fleur gave birth to her daughter Victoria, and raised it alongside Daphne Greengrass. After her graduation from university, they married officially and had a very sizeable family. Draco married Astoria Greengrass, and only had two children, and only from their honeymoon. They had a toxic marriage, and only tradition kept them from divorcing. Daphne ended up in yet another love triangle with two wizards who only slept with her this time around, and their family was just as sizeable as his.

Sirius Black was proved innocent, and freed, and traveled around the world as a perpetual transient wealthy recluse. Remus Lupin became a Hogwarts Professor once again, and had more than a few female werewolves as his mates, it was rumored.

But then, there was the news of Dolores Umbridge, and her strange fatal mishap....

But then, there was the news of Dolores Umbridge, and her strange fatal mishap

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