Thirty-One: Father And Son Reunion

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The Unspeakable that was Christened Sebastian Prince had no choice but to watch Remus Lupin's little wolf freak out, and the two best boyhood friends fight one another. His father Severus Snape, shielded his future cousin, the future Dark Lord of the wizarding world, and the Unspeakable's future mother. The werewolf and black Irish wolfhound ran off towards the Black Lake to fight it out more, but Potter being Potter, ran off after his godfather. Dementors appeared above the fighting animals, and that put an end to the fight quickly.

"Get back here, Potter!" His father shouted after him. Sebastian knew that he would have gone after him if Draco had not been injured, and if his future bride had not been present.

Sebastian watched his mother briefly, and wished that he could hug her. In truth, the reason he had argued so strongly in favor of destroying these horcruxes of Voldemort's was to protect his parents. He wanted to prevent his father dying by Voldemort's hand in the Battle of Hogwarts, and barely getting to know him as a small boy. He wanted to prevent his mother from nearly succumbing to grief until Uncle Lucius married her. Certainly, they had eventually fallen in love, but he was not her soulmate, she was not bound to him in an unbreakable legilimency love bond that had existed long before either of them was born.

Lastly, Sebastian wanted to prevent the government-wide Mosmorta Registration Act, the enslavement of muggles to wizarding households, and open food for the vampire clans, and the eugenics policy of breeding out those muggles with no psychic abilities in their blood. Squibs were enslaved to house elves, and goblins, and they were the only beings they could breed with. Lord Potter had also decriminalized the Unforgiveable Curses for any pureblood and half blood witch and wizard. Muggleborns did the worst menial jobs no self respecting witch and wizard wanted, and only squibs and lesser warlocks even bothered to breed with them. Also, every muggleborn was magically given a numerical code tattooed on one of their inner forearms at birth, and any sex crimes against them were conveniently ignored. Oh yes, Lord Harry Potter was a real teddy bear of a Minister of Magic that he somehow was able to "persuade," the Wizengamot to make the job position one where a Minister could serve for life if it was for the "greater good," of the wizarding world.

Harry was dying, and so was Sirius Black. "I'm doing this for you, mum and dad," He murmured aloud, and held out his wand. He found his most powerful happy memory of when he graduated from Luteins Academy of Apothecaries and Potioneers at the top of his class.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" He bellowed, and his signature dragon patronus flew out of his wand. The spectral dragon took to the skies and appeared to snarl as it beat back the hordes of dementors that were trying to suck out the two wizard's souls in the Final Kiss. Once the dementors were gone, his patronus dissipated, and he bridal carried Sirius Black, and used the locomortor corpus charm to levitate Voldemort Junior.

The aurors, along with Headmaster Dumbledore, spotted him, and asked for his credentials. "My name is irrelevant at this time, as I am on a guardian mission."

"Very well, Agent," The tall bald black auror replied. "But Sirius Black is an escaped convict from Azkaban, and as such, we need to take him into custody."


He dropped Sirius Black bodily to the ground. "May I take Mr Potter to your hospital wing, Headmaster?"

Dumbledore nodded. "Of course. Let me show you where it is, Agent."

Sebastian shook his head. "No, your Potions Master will accompany me, as it is imperative to the success of my assignment."

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