Forty-Two: A Bleak Future

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Younger Hermione

Diagon Alley was bleak, bleaker than she had ever seen it in her young life. Rose pointed to her shadowy self, and they followed her through the street. There were tents and ramshackle-like buildings where peddlers sold all manner of illegal contraband. Pensieve Rose made her way towards Gringotts Bank, and then ducked into a side street. Two big aurors waited for her, and she rolled up her right sleeve as they waved their wands over her Dark Mark. She did the same to them, and Snape commented, "Polyjuice potion usage is being widely used. But you did showcase earlier that the Dark Mark is a symbol of identification, rather than fear."

Rose nodded. "Yes. It represents that you are part of the uppercrust of magical society. Deatheaters in the 'Old Guard,' are sort of venerated as heroes of the last wizarding world. It's sort of appalling, actually."

A manilla folder was exchanged between pensieve Rose, and her fellow aurors. "Why bring Black in in the past? He hasn't murdered the Dark Lord yet in this timeline. He is only accused of murdering Peter Pettigrew, the Gryffindor turncoat."

The bigger Auror nodded. "True. But, he is the perfect patsy to use when he takes a dip in the memory tank."

The smaller auror lit a cigarette. "She ain't gonna do it, Agent Floyd. She's still sweet on Agent Prince."

Rose glared at them both. "I don't give a fuck about Agent Prince. He made that infinitely clear that we are only agents of MACUSA, and that is all. He will not interfere with me in bringing Sirius Black to justice."

Tall auror guy, who had the squat look of a tan frog seemed satisfied with her answer. "See that he doesn't. If he interferes with mommy and daddy, he needs to be brought in for reassignment."

Pensieve Rose looked alarmed. "You...You cannot mean that the Unspeakable Department would do that would you, Agent Gibbs?"

"You said you didn't care about him."

"I care about justice. Stripping his memories from him isn't justice," Rose asserted. "I care only about bringing in Sirius Black for questioning in regards to the Dark Lord's murder."

"You have your orders, Agent Mayfair."

Rose grit her teeth. "Yes, sir."

They left Past Rose alone, and she pasted on a stoic expression on her face. The memory flashed to another one where she was first on the scene to see the brains and half of Harry Potter's head gone in an elegant penthouse in the posh part of London.

Hermione watched the reaction of a tall dark haired wizard sobbing his eyes out as he cradled the remains of Harry's head in his long pale hands. Snape's face a mask of cold stoicism, but even Hermione could see that he was angry and shocked at the same time.

"How did that bastard get his youth and body back?" He demanded.

Sebastian winced. "Dad...Calm down..Please. Dad, it was a complex ritual at the end of the Battle of Hogwarts. You were the final death he needed, it wasn't about the ownership of the Elder Wand. Riddle absorbed your powers, using dementor magic, and I...I arrived via time turner too late. I...I'm sorry,"

Hermione hugged him eagerly, feeling awkward, because she felt like this moment of family vulnerability should have been shared with her future self. Snape hugged Sebastian as well, but then scowled, "Make sure this never happens."

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